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非人人生来都是作帝王的。But all men are not born to reign.

老国王在位的时候,他婆娘His wife was in the old king’s reign

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过去的生活粗化时间的统治地位。Past lives coarsened by time's reign.

荣耀的王会统治锡安。The king of glory will reign in Zion.

耶和华必作王,直到永永远远!The Lord will reign for ever and ever.

锡安得胜利主永远统治。Zion in triumph begins her mild reign.

耶和华必作王,直到永永远远。The LORD shall reign for ever and ever.

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他们统治的时代正在走向绝对的结束。Their era of reign is ending absolutely.

班瑞已死。愿您的统治天长地久,崔尔主母。Baenre is dead. Reign long, Matron Triel.

在恐龙统治地球的漫长岁月中。During their lengthy reign over the earth.

而且它应该抑制中国的民族主义。And it should reign in Chinese nationalism.

结束了冉-魏这个恐怖政权。Ending the Ran Wei and his reign of terror.

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宁在天堂为王,不到地狱当差。Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

掩饰真情就是他们统治的伎俩。That their chief art in reign dissembling is.

第一幕在法老王统治时期的埃及。Act I Egypt, during the reign of the pharaohs.

我们要与主作王,直到永永远远。We shall reign with the Lord forever and ever.

约阿施登基的时候年方七岁。Joash was seven years old when he began to reign.

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人民将永远不会忘记他的暴政。People will re-member the tyrannies of his reign.

朱元璋统治了大约三十一年。The reign of Zhu Yuanzhang lasted about 31 years.

祈求无玷玛利亚在我们心内成王。Pray that Mary Immaculate may reign in our hearts.