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布鲁斯悲观地对蜘蛛说。The blues are said to the spider pessimistically.

要由消极的漠视走向积极的维护与发扬。We need to maintain and promote actively instead of ignoring as pessimistically.

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你对婚姻持悲观态度。你不相信存在快乐的婚姻。You think of marriage pessimistically. You don&apost think happy marriages exist anymore.

更有机构悲观预测,1700点或许才是真正的底。Some organizations forecast pessimistically that perhaps 1700 spots are the genuine bottoms.

SARS是一个警讯,但是我们没有悲观的权利。Although SARS is a troubling development, we have no good cause to look at it pessimistically.

另一份权威调查,则更强化了楼市的悲观预期。Another authority investigates, then strengthened the real estate market to anticipate pessimistically.

其他人则悲观地认为中国越来越富裕并不会给所有人带来好处。Others pessimistically dismissed the likelihood that China’s increasing prosperity would continue to lift all boats.

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如果你消极地面对未来,你最担心的事情就最有可能发生。If you approach the future pessimistically , then you can be pretty certain the things you fear most are going to happen.

而国内需求也面临下滑风险,使得市场对09年经济增长更趋悲观。But the domestic demand also faces slides to the risk, causes the market to hasten pessimistically to 09 year economic growth.

瓦尔特?本雅明曾悲观地预言,艺术作品的机械复制将使它们失去昔日的“灵晕”。Walter Benjamin had pessimistically predicted that mechanical reproduction of works of art will lose their former "Halo of Hope."

瓦尔特·本雅明曾悲观地预言,艺术作品的机械复制将使它们失去昔日的“灵晕”。Walter Benjamin had pessimistically predicted that mechanical reproduction of works of art will lose their former "Halo of Hope."

悲观的说法,人生就是从一个陷阱跳进另一个陷阱,我们身在其中的时候是不会知觉的。Pessimistically speaking, life process keeps jumping from this trap to another trap, and you can not realise it when invovling of itself.

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无论乐观地还是悲观地看待这个世界,它都不会随着你的意愿改变,不同的只是你的感受。为什么不乐观一些呢?The world won't change as you want whatever you treat it optimistically or pessimistically , the only difference is your feeling. So why not be optimistic?