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我们可以换个方式奢侈一下。We can luxuriate for a change.

孩子们尽情享受奏的温暖阳光。Children luxuriate in the warm spring sunshine.

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想要享受的自由旅途,不喜欢匆忙赶赴某一目的地的感觉。They want to luxuriate in the experience of a stress-free journey, not rush to a destination.

他们想要充分享受没有压力的自由旅途,不喜欢匆忙赶赴某一目的地的感觉。They want to luxuriate in the experience of a stress-free journey, not rush to a destination.

建筑空间给游客以奢侈感受,让游客发现古老的洗澡方式的好处。This space was designed for visitors to luxuriate and rediscover the ancient benefits of bathing.

这是一种熟悉的、纯粹的味道……这种单纯的味道使其成为一种享受。A flavor so familiar, so uncomplicated its utter simplicity renders itself as a frozen dessert to luxuriate.

取而代之的是,欣赏或纵情享受你在当下时刻所做的任何事——心理学家称之为品味。Instead, relish or luxuriate in whatever you're doing at the present moment—what psychologists call savoring.

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他们漫不经意的跳入水潭,飞快地游到对岸,爬上那两块大石头,尽情的享受日光。They nonchalantly dived in, swam swiftly across the pool and pulled themselves up on the big rocks to luxuriate the sun.

就像一头扎入湖中,并不为立马游到对岸,而是置身水中尽情享受畅快淋漓。The point of diving in a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore, but to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water.

但我们能够远离所有的喧闹,尽情享受凤凰的天气和平静,和建立我们认为会持续几十年的东西。But we're able to step away from all that racket, luxuriate in Phoenix's weather and calm, and build something that we think will last for decades.

希腊希望他们和他们的家人到爱琴海尽情享受,而欧洲的足球俱乐部希望他们可以去欧洲看球。Greek islands want them and their families to come luxuriate in the Aegean, and powerhouse European soccer clubs want them to stand on their sidelines.

他们总是喜欢借机,在导音部分卖弄下自己的歌喉,以增加听众的期望,让大家更渴望听到主音They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.

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他们喜欢这种绝好的炫技时机,拖长导音来展现自己的嗓音,让观众产生期待感,让你们迫切盼望主音的出现。They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.

抓紧精神,享受15分钟让肌肤充溢吸收面膜中的营养身分,如您喜好,美白祛斑方法。可以根据个人情况适当延长使用时间。Relax theird luxuriate in while your skin effectively absorbs the nutrients from the mask for 15 minutes. You may extend the usage if deemed most suitable.

许多人抱怨“番茄酱渍弄脏一家餐厅的桌布,而他们却奢侈地穿着沾有粪便的脏裤子坐在豪华的座位上。”Many are prepared to complain about a "tomato sauce stain on a restaurant tablecloth, whilst they luxuriate on a plush seat in their faecially stained pants."

如果你的工作已经完全在你掌控范围之内,那么是时候让自己“看上去忙碌一点”,花几分钟享受运动员精神以及世界上最流行的运动的精髓吧!If work is under control and it's time to "look busy, " take some minutes to luxuriate in the athleticism and precision of the most popular sport in the world.

科玛斯认为,自然赋予我们她所有的财富,我们有职责有义务去使用消费它们,自然如此慷慨大方,我们有义务去享用。For Comus, nature has given us all of her riches and it's our duty, it's our obligation, to spend them, to consume them, and to luxuriate in nature's generosity.

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研究发现在人们回想过去快乐积极的时光时会更加幸福,但也不要过多的去回想那些细节。Research shows that people are happier when they relish and luxuriate in the positive memories of happy past events, but don't try to dissect the details too much.