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我正在临时抱佛脚,准备考试。I'm cramming for the test.

徐是填鸭式,而是学习。SEO is cramming instead of studying.

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她正明天的考试而临急抱佛脚。She is cramming for tomorrow's exam.

她考历史之前临时抱佛脚。She's cramming for her history exam.

她正为明天的考试而临急抱佛脚。She is cramming for tomorrow"s exam."

他整个星期都一直在拼命准备应考。He's been cramming for his exams all week.

我知道,我想我应该开始报佛脚了。I know. I guess I'd better start cramming.

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我在刚过去的48小时在临阵磨枪。I spent the last 48 hours cramming for it.

她觉得她要为期末考试突击学习。Shefelt like she was cramming for a final.

他正临阵磨枪准备明天的化学考试呢。He is cramming for the chemistry exam tomorrow.

这种填鸭式的教学法现在受到严厉的谴责。Such cramming method of teaching is now severely reprobated.

不会。它主要是用来检查真假近视。你得做好准备,看来要当小四眼喽!The CCNA and CCNP are not exams you're going to pass by cramming.

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不要考试前的最后工夫里靠融会贯通去取的好成绩。Do not count on last minute cramming right before exams to do well.

其实,假期“恶补风”几年前就开始盛行。In fact, the holiday " cramming Wind" a few years ago began to prevail.

对于第一批Google人,一个工作日不再像是为期末考试临阵磨枪那样紧张。For the first Googlers, a work day is no longer like cramming for finals.

你只是在不停地往嘴里填东西,直到你吃得胃胀。You'll just keep cramming food into yourself until you've eaten too much.

你只是在不停地往嘴里填东西,直至你吃患上胃胀。You'll just keep cramming food into yourself until you've eaten too much.

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我是那种临时抱佛脚的人。我已经习惯突击应付考试了。I am a last-minute person. I have been accustomed to cramming for the test.

父母却忙于建立他们的事业,而孩子们为了应考又挑灯夜读。Parents are busy building careers and children are busy cramming for tests.

考试不能使学升探索越来越多的知识,而是起到填鸭式的作用。they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming.