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你是中号的。You're a medium.

我要中等熟就好了。I want medium well.

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玻璃,火石,中等1。Glass Flint Medium 1.

可锻铸铁。Medium hard cast iron.

我要半熟的牛排。I want my steak medium.

你恰恰是传播的媒介。You are just the medium.

我要一辆中型车。I want a medium size car.

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杜丽中等高度。Du Li is of medium height.

我喜欢三分熟的牛。I like my cow Medium Rare.

是生一点,中等还是熟一点呢?Rare, medium or well-done?

网络是一个年轻的媒体。The web is a young medium.

这是一种新的艺术媒介。This is new medium of art.

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空气是传播声音的媒介。Air is the medium of sound.

中低收入家庭。Medium low-income families.

这样的有中号的吗?Do you have this in medium ?

使用的介质为硅油。Medium used is silicone oil.

中高倍率观测。Medium to high magnification.

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深到中等黄色。Deep medium with a yellow hue.

中介免开尊口!Medium do not open your mouth!

中等大,果实圆形。Medium to large, roundish fruit.