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在桌上用立可白画的涂鸦。The graffiti I drew on the desk.

很多涂鸦艺术家,就像班克斯。A lot graffiti artists, kind of Banksy.

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正如生活中一些帮派都有自己的标识。Graffiti mark the turfs of rival gangs.

从小爱好美术,小时候喜欢涂鸦。Art-loving young age, a child like graffiti.

这道著名的石阶现在已被画满了涂鸦。The famous stairs are now covered with graffiti.

领运动背心有涂鸦设计印花。V-neck sporty vest with a graffiti graphic print.

它被富有异国情调的命名为“涂鸦”和“紫色角。It is exotically named "graffiti" and "purple cape.

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该犹太教堂布满了反犹太涂鸦。The synagogue was covered with anti-Semitic graffiti.

墙上的涂鸦也相当令人印象深刻。Quite impressive place as well from kind of the graffiti.

,涂鸦,那些涂鸦是一种文明的,粗俗化,他们在公共场合涂鸦。The graffiti are a kind of vulgarization of civilization.

刷了三道油漆才盖住了乱涂乱写的东西。It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti.

来分享台南县市的涂鸦照吧!You Can Post Tainan City & Tainan County Graffiti Photos !

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定期的涂画会涂过,但是塔还是继续的存在。Graffiti is regularly painted over, but the tower lives on.

移动电话通知相干民员这外有涂鸦。The mobile phone app tells officials where the graffiti is.

示威人群有自己的不适用暴力的政策,其中包括不许涂鸦。The group has a non-violence policy which includes graffiti.

反对澳大利亚的涂鸦在首都帝力各处喷涂。Anti-Australia graffiti is sprinkled around the capital, Dili.

分别采用户外实地观察和民族志学之研究方式去探讨香港涂鸦。To investigate and understand the graffiti in HK and its role.

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我们也会在我们的头盔和防弹衣上涂鸦。We also put horrible graffiti on our helmets and flak jackets.

看守所的墙上有一处涂鸦写着"停下来,墨约站在这里。"A piece of graffiti on the wall read, P. MOYO WAS HERE FOR STANDING.

调查人员发现纳粹党万字符号和一些乱划的痕迹。Investigators found drawings of swastikas and graffiti at the scene.