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难道说善的事物就没有害处?And no good thing is hurtful?

但是,她说,这样的规定很刻薄。But this, she says, was hurtful.

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奥巴马总统的出生证明事件是最令人震惊的。Birther lie was the most hurtful one.

尽量诚实但不要蓄意伤害。Be honest but not intentionally hurtful.

别对你的朋友说这样伤感情的话。Don't say such hurtful things to your friend.

新国王为这故事深深伤恸The new king was so hurtful by the true story

但是这些丑恶的伤人的话语确实就摆在那里。But there they were, words so hurtful and foul.

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你伤心是因为它们都隐藏在你的内心。You were hurtful because that is all you had inside you.

植绥螨是控制荔枝瘿螨及其他害螨的有效天敌。Erineum mite is a important hurtful mites attacking lychee.

不要说谎话,但是也没必要觉得谎话不好。Do not be untruthful, but also don't feel the need to be hurtful.

不要不诚实,但也不要觉得有必要造成伤害。Do not be untruthful, but also don’t feel the need to be hurtful.

“他们会说一些胡话,听着真的很让人伤心,”罗伯森说。"It's really hurtful because they say crazy things, " Robertson said.

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知识对于那些天性中缺乏诚实善良的人而言,不但无益反而有害。All other knowledge is hurtful to him who has not honesty and good-nature.

避免使用那些带有攻击性的或伤害性的词语。Avoid using words that you would find offensive or hurtful if addressed to you.

人们往往在被别人恶意揭短时感情会受到伤害。People often get their feelings hurt when a weakness is pointed out in a hurtful way.

到大概5岁和7岁时,孩子就会容易明白偷窃行为会有的恶劣影响。Around five and seven is when kids usually understand the hurtful effects of stealing.

而现在,我们只需点一下鼠标,自己的牢骚之语、伤人之言就能迅速发送出去。Now we need only click a button to send our complaints and hurtful words on their way.

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摩告诉我,把登山者与像她们的艾萨这样的人相比是令人伤心的。Mo told me that people comparing their plaque for Ailsa with litter has been deeply hurtful.

这是伤害不仅身体上的,在心理上会造成更加严重的创伤。"That is the physical, but the more hurtful is the psychological, " Boyle said. "Name-calling.

攀着那些伤人的言语,你只是让你自己继续做那些痛苦记忆的奴隶罢了。By holding on to the hurtful words, you are still making yourself a slave to the painful memory.