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坎齐·萨顿打开了自己的银行……和心扉。Kinzie Sutton opened her bank—and her heart.

奥斯明顿的白马,在英国的萨顿波因茨外。The Osmington White Horse, outside Sutton Poyntz, UK.

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格斯·波耶特在不到一分钟之内就打入一球,之后克里斯·萨顿又攻进一球。Gus Poyet strikes inside a minute before Chris Sutton grabs a second.

“所有这一切都要回到那个关于‘承载能力’的概念上去”,萨顿补充道。“This all goes back to the idea of ‘carrying capacity’, ” Sutton adds.

Sutton解释到,成功的关键是要有良好的自我意识与持之以恒的习惯。The keys to success, Sutton explains, will be both self-awareness and consistency.

但是却没有精致可言-没有萨顿胡牙签。But there is nothing to indicate any refinement – there is no Sutton Hoo toothpick.

参加香港艺术展的分红已流入墨尔本的萨顿画廊账户。Dividends from attending Art HK have already flowed to the Melbourne gallery Sutton.

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伦敦郊外的一个大村庄加拿大…貌似有点远。Cheam is a large suburban village close to Sutton in the London Borough of Sutton , England.

去年十二月某周日下午,安·萨顿愉快地看着孩子们,在厨房里为节日大餐忙得热火朝天。One Sunday afternoon last December, Ann Sutton happily watched over a holiday cooking spree in her kitchen.

萨顿博士说氮污染不仅在欧洲,在美国,中国,印度,都是一个严重的问题。Dr Sutton said nitrogen pollution was a serious issue not just in Europe but also N America, China and India.

在商界,Pfeffer和Sutton称那些试图通过恐惧来领导的经理人所引起的瘫痪多于行动。In business, Pfeffer and Sutton report, managers who try to lead through fear cause paralysis more often than action.

不过萨顿表示,要想确认这一联系,还需要获得更多关于2009年产妇的统计资料。More details on the demographics of mothers who gave birth in 2009 are needed to confirm the connection, Sutton said.

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如同在索福克的苏顿胡埋藏点所发现的盎格鲁撒克逊皇家遗存一般,这真是无与伦比的发现。Spectacular discoveries, such as the royal finds at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, had been made in Anglo-Saxon burial sites.

萨顿努力帮助他们发展自己的才能,其中一些人后来成为艺术家、歌手或保安人员。Sutton tries to help them develop their talents, and has helped some start careers as artists, singers or security contractors.

富兰克林的主人接到曼哈顿Sutton鸟类寄存处通知,称该鹦鹉失踪后,他们赶回了纽约。Franklin's owners returned to New York after they were told the bird had been reported missing from the Sutton Aviary in Manhattan.

它从诺丁汉大学借了几部扫描仪,将其安装在附近的萨顿·博宁顿村庄里。It has loaned a scanner to the University of Nottingham, which has installed the machine on its site in the village of Sutton Bonington.

凯尔特人和萨顿赢得了苏格兰杯,对手邓迪联队门将曾有过把守切尔西大门的青训学员尼克-科尔根坐了冷板凳。Celtic and Sutton win the Scottish Cup, beating Dundee United for whom goalkeeper Nick Colgan, a youth product who played one game for us, is on the bench.

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警方搜查了一些地方,包括伦敦东部沃平地区的国际新闻公司办公室以及萨顿镇和切尔西市的一些场所。A number of addresses were searched by police, including the offices of News International in Wapping, east London, as well as premises in Sutton and Chelsea.

菲利普就在一年多以前还在为苏顿联队打比赛,但在U16的出色表现后,他也获得了一分3年的青年球员合同。Phillip was playing for Sutton United just over a year ago, but after impressing with the under 16s he too has earned a three year scholarship with the Academy.

在埃迪.萨顿成为篮球教练后,他妻子帕齐为我1980年的竞选发挥了积极作用,我也开始尽可能地去现场观看篮球比赛。When Eddie Sutton became the basketball coach and his wife, Patsy, took an active role in my 1980 campaign, I also began going to all the basketball games I could.