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这是非常相似的步步高。It is very similar to backgammon.

这是西洋双陆棋盘的分隔条。This is the bar of the backgammon board.

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在西洋双陆棋上它们通常表现得更好。They are generally stronger in backgammon.

我们玩双陆棋我赢了三次!We played backgammon , and I won three times.

此部分西洋双陆棋盘是老家。This part of the backgammon board is the home.

这是西洋双陆棋的常规区域。This is a regular field of the backgammon board.

脚本小子乐园﹐让你的技术步步高升!Small park script, the technology allows you to backgammon or!

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这是一个简单的五子棋小游戏,仅供学习之用,谢谢!This is a simple game of backgammon , only learning, thank you!

纳希和本地清真寺的阿訇在玩西洋双陆棋。Naci was playing backgammon with the imam from the local mosque.

戏,类似于十五子棋,但用玛瑙贝代替骰子。An ancient game of India similar to backgammon that uses cowrie shells instead of dice.

看到步步高游戏节目,你会,或将有一个不受欢迎的客户在不久的将来。To see a backgammon game shows you will be, or will have, an unwelcome guest in the near future.

泰国的足底按摩以及耶路撒冷的双陆棋比赛正是众多隐藏在异国市场中的两件珍宝。A Thai foot massage and a backgammon match in Jerusalem are just two of the many hidden treasures.

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来不及喝口水,步步高超市的工作人员便提议去看梨。Drinks water without enough time, the backgammon supermarket's staff then proposed looks at the pear.

他们要么是赌牌的,要么是下棋的,如果他们在简历中提到了这点,那就够了。They were chess players or backgammon players, enough so that they would even mention it on a resume.

步步高是游戏的运气和技巧娱乐已经数以百万计的世界各地人民的世纪。Backgammon is a game of luck and skill that has been entertaining millions of people throughout the world for centuries.

当一种社交活动与许多地方步步高棍打环球特点比赛和金钱比赛,它演变了。It has evolved as a social activity with many local Backgammon clubs around the world that feature tournaments and money games.

套房以国际象棋和15子游戏棋著名,而在户外,你可以漫步在海滩以及骑行在圣莫妮卡码头上。Suites boast games tables with chess and backgammon while outdoors you're a short stroll from the beach and the rides on Santa Monica Pier.

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公司主要经营范围是高密和安丘地区的步步高音乐手机,欢迎有志之士的加入!The company main management scope is high-density with the Anqiu area backgammon music handset, welcome to be ambitious gentleman's joined!

是村庄中的社交中心,只准男生进入,他们在里头下西洋双陆棋、饮茶和抽水烟。In the villages, the Koy Odasi is the social center for men only, where backgammon is played, tea is drunk and hubble-bubble pipes are smoked.

这是一个安装程序,这将有助于您下载步步高建兴到手机上。或者,您可以去这里如需更详细的指示。This is an installer that will help you to download Backgammon LITE to your phone. Alternatively you can go here for more detailed instructions.