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可你还在犹豫什么呢?But what are you hesitating about?

现在我要带你远走高飞。About what are you still hesitating?

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所以,亲爱的朋友们,还犹豫什么?So my dear friends, are you still hesitating?

尽量快速没有迟疑的对答。Just try to answer quickly, without hesitating.

孩子们又喜欢,你还犹豫什么?and the children dote on it.Why are you hesitating?

你还在犹豫早饭该不该吃海草吗?Still hesitating about having some seaweed for breakfast?

迟疑了片刻,她又加了三张一卢比的纸币。Hesitating a moment, she added three one-rupee notes to it.

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正当他犹豫如何处理这件事时,金杰出现了。He is hesitating how to tackle with this when Ginger comes up.

乔问,她松了一口气,但又犹豫是否该接受这个好意。began Jo, looking relieved but hesitating to accept the offer.

她在这两个影象之间摇摆不定,不知道该相信哪个好。Between these two images she wavered, hesitating which to believe.

我还在犹豫,这个月底之前我得做出决定。I'm still hesitating. I have to make a decision before the end of this month.

正在八千少日的渐渐里,除彷徨外,又剩些什么呢?What have I been doing in that eight- thousand-day rush, apart from hesitating?

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也许,"她带着犹豫的神情说,"也许,亲爱的,你想看看那封信吧?"" she said, hesitating a little, "perhaps, my dear, you would care to read it ?"

徘徊在理想与现实之间的章克标也犹如“斯芬克司”一般苦恼。Zhangkebiao, hesitating between idea! and reality, seemed to be very anxious like Sphinx.

她很好奇,带着咯吱声地一步步登上台阶,每一布都充满了犹豫。Fascinated, she came into the shadows and ascended creaking steps, hesitating on each one.

他的言谈随意而亲密,低沉犹豫的腔调听起来也并不会让人不悦。He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating drawl that was not unpleasant to hear.

当爱已走远的时候,请不要在你不开心,或者是遇到麻烦而彷徨的时候去打搅他。When love is gone away , please don't bother him when you are upset or hesitating by trouble.

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“这个,”嘉莉说,不知从何说起,“你能介绍人上台演戏吗?”"Well, " said Carrie, hesitating how to begin, "do you get places for persons upon the stage?"

“你肯定单场票不行吗?”他问道,不敢说出更刺耳的话来。"You're sure separate tickets wouldn't do as well?" he asked, hesitating to say anything more rugged.

让我犹豫的是,在20世纪的早期,诺贝尔奖在1901年才开始颁发。And why I'm hesitating is, in the early days of the 20th century, the Nobels were first given in 1901.