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半重瓣的深蓝色皱折菫型花。Semidouble dark blue frilled pansy.

什么一三色堇说其他?What did one pansy say to the other?

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潘姿询问都会有哪些版块。Pansy asked which sections they would have.

潘西·帕金森发出高声尖笑。Pansy Parkinson let out a high-pitched giggle.

五颜六色的三色堇是大阪,日本的花。The colorful pansy is the flower of Osaka, Japan.

半重瓣深浅不一的淡蓝色菫型花。中绿色叶,叶面平坦。大型。Semidouble pale blue two-tone pansy. Medium green, plain. Large.

半重瓣-重瓣红色折边堇型花。中绿色平坦叶。标准型。Semidouble-double red frilled pansy. Medium green, plain. Standard.

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谁曾想到一三色堇可能是这样一个顽皮的花。Who would have thought a pansy could be such a naughty little flower.

重瓣深蓝色堇型花。绿色和白色组合成的斑叶,叶面平坦。半迷你型。Double dark blue pansy. Variegated green and white, plain, ovate. Semiminiature.

老人从自己的衣袋里掏出一瓶药,然后给潘西喂了一小勺。The old man drew a bottle of medicine from his pocket and gave Pansy a spoonful.

含有三色萃和西门肺草的护肤产品对问题肌肤尤其有效。Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.

含有三色萃和紫草科类植物的护肤产品对问题肌肤尤其有效。Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.

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邱丽萍是香港贸易发展局的副首席经济师。Pansy Yau is the deputy chief economist of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

将三色萃加入蒸气浴中能在精神上和身体上起到润滑并舒缓的效果。Add wild pansy to steam baths to sooth and comfort yourself mentally and physically.

半重瓣暗的红色?型花。中到深绿色和白色。Semidouble dark red pansy. TL variegated medium-dark green and white. Semiminiature.

蝴蝶花对这个非常在行,因为她经常看可怕的电影和电视。Pansy was most good at this because she always watched scary movies and TV programme.

请少数民族事务部黄部长为少数族裔利益挺身而出。I ask the Minister of Ethnic Affairs Pansy Wong to stand up for the ethnic communities.

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那个下午,潘茜从她上一晚的地方挪到了她女儿罗茜的巢穴旁。That afternoon, Pansy had moved into her daughter Rosie's nest from the previous night.

单瓣不掉落的深紫丁香色皱折堇型花。中绿色尖型白脉叶。标准型。Single dark lilac sticktite ruffled pansy . Medium green, pointed, girl foliage. Standard.

对于这种现象的反思,“葩希”这一承载着我们理念的品牌诞生了。For the reflection of this phenomenon, the brand "Pansy" that carries our concept was born.