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优良企业局。Better Business Bureau.

他在这个局工作过。He works in this bureau.

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把整个联邦调查局都当傻子了?Makin' a fool of the bureau?

广东省顺德市卫生局。Health Bureau in Shunde city.

安徽省肥西县卫生局。Health Bureau of Feixi county.

谷局长大惊。Valley Bureau grew frightened.

哪间是噡姆司先生的办公室?Which an is Mr. Jame's bureau?

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保安局周末舞会。The Security Bureau weekend party.

台湾观光局的员工。An employee of Taiwan's Tourist Bureau.

她是一家旅游社地导游。She is tourist guide of a travel bureau.

扬州市环境保护局。Yangzhou Enviromental Protection Bureau.

就像美国劳动局的统计方式!Just like the Bureau of Labor Statistics!

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作者卓阳,就职于NPR上海办事处。Zhuo Yang works in NPR's Shanghai bureau.

我需要一张床及卧室用的五斗柜。I need a bed and a bureau for the bedroom.

我非常尊重你们的商检局。As much as I respect your Inspection Bureau.

扬州市国土资源管理局。Yangzhou Land Resouce Administration Bureau.

我在上海市人事局工作。I'm working in the Shanghai Personnel Bureau.

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他从房屋局工作人员那得到了协助。He is assisted by staff in the Housing Bureau.

然而,当局的未雨绸缪是明智的。Nevertheless, the bureau is wise to plan ahead.

此方法已在六枝矿务局木岗煤矿进行了试用。Trials were made in Mugang Mine, Liuzhi Bureau.