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干吗这时候来烦我我,霍姆?Why are you bothering me now, Holm?

警方被难住了,于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。The police is baffle and sherlock holm is call in to investigate.

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“我们还取消掉了F-22的阶段性检查,”霍尔曼补充说。"Wehave also done away with phase inspections with the F-22, " Holm adds.

该校与基督教圣约教会坚乐中学采用「一条龙」办学模式。The school and The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College adopt the 'through-train' mode.

“战斗机上的一些计算机和设备盒工作起来不像我们要求的那样快了,”霍尔曼继续说道。"A few computers and boxes onthe fighter didn't start up as quickly as we wanted, " continues Holm.

夜莺在圣栎树上自己巢中的听见了小伙子的话,她透过绿叶丛向外张望。From her nest in the holm -oak tree the Nightingale heard him, and she looked out through the leaves, and wondered.

同时,还建立了真空断路器电动力计算模型,将开断和关合过程中的电动力分为洛仑兹力和霍尔姆力。The electrodynamic force model is also constructed by classifying the electrodynamic as Lorenz force and Holm force.

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Holm说,想要找出具有普适性的政策很难,但是列出一个应该考虑的问题的单子还是有用的。Holm says it would be difficult to devise a universal policy, but a checklist of questions to consider would be useful.

我们上一次看到伊恩·霍姆时,这位年长的“毕尔博·巴金斯”刚从魔戒三部曲中归来。When we last saw him, the older Bilbo Baggins was returning from his travels in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and was played by Ian Holm.

因此,长松藻是一种高膳食纤维、高蛋白、低脂肪、低热量,且富含铁、锌等微量矿质元素的天然理想保健食品原料。Codium cylindricum Holm is a kind of healthy food material which can provide high dietary fiber, high protein, low fat and calorie and rich minerals.

虽然比尔博·巴金斯的场景都在霍比顿,但是伊恩·霍姆从未真正去过那里。他的所有镜头都是在摄影棚里拍摄的,又扣蓝实现的。Although Bilbo Baggins's opening scenes are in Hobbiton, Ian Holm never actually worked on the location. His scenes were all done against blue screen.

来自基督教圣约教会坚乐中学和协恩中学的辩论队分别在初赛脱颖而出,在当日决赛上比拼。The winners of the preliminary sessions, the Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College and Heep Yunn School, competed for the championship in the final.

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丹麦大使克拉维-霍尔姆说丹麦人喜欢做一些简单的乐事比如夏天在码头游泳,而这在别的地方是很危险的。Danish diplomat Klavs Holm said Danes are comfortable with simple pleasures like swimming in the harbor on a summer's day, which could be deemed too risky elsewhere.

特利和皓尔穆正对植物和土壤的基本情况和污染状况进行估测,对比分析石油在路易斯安娜淡水湿地和咸水湖湿地的降解过程。Twilley and Holm are performing baseline and damage assessments on the plants and soils of, and comparing oil degradation processes in, freshwater and saltwater Louisiana wetlands.

来自巴塞罗那自治大学全球生态小组的研究者对多重植物进行了研究,包括麻栎、黄菀、石南花和金雀花。The researchers from the global ecology unit at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at a variety of plants, including holm oak, yellow fleabane, heather and Spanish broom.

教育系统女发言人帕蒂·霍蒙格林说,警方彻底搜查了学校并确认没有进一步的危险,在此之前学校一直处于关闭状态。Thee school was placed under lockdown until police had searched the building and determined there was no further threat to students, said Patti Holm GREn, spokes woman for the school system.

从第一类积分方程的反演求解入手,推导出了适合低场脉冲核磁共振横向弛豫信号多指数反演的一种解谱算法。Based on the inversion method of Fred Holm integral equation, a multi-exponential inversion algorithm is derived for resolving spectra of pulsed NMR transve-rserelaxation signals in low field.