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它有很多细节技术It has a lot of detail.

这些细节描述令他惊喜不已。The detail thrilled him.

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你能详细跟我说下吗?Can you tell me in detail.

她有鉴别细节的眼力。She has an eye for detail.

详细的方扣标志。Logo detail on square buckle.

细节决定一切。The detail decides the whole.

资本性支出的详细情况。Detail of capital expenditures.

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手册上面有详细内容Yeah, this tells you in detail.

你必须核对每一细节。You have to check every detail.

详细增肥方法。Fertilization methods in detail.

您的下一步是添加细节。Your next step is to add detail.

那么具体说来什么是社会化新闻呢?So what is Social News in detail?

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细节决定成败。Detail decides success or failure.

帝国胸衣与打褶细节。Empire bodice with pleated detail.

每个细节都已经想透了。Every detail has been thought out.

但是细节还只是做到一半。But detail is only half the battle.

每个细节我都觉的很幸福!I all feel every detail very happy!

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没有时间来细谈了。There isn't time to talk in detail.

连这种细节都想到了。And it is shown in such fine detail.

在这里我可以深入探讨一些细节。I can go into some more detail here.