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第二,我们来看看沃纳,海森堡。Number 2, we are going to Werner Heisenberg.

沃纳把叉子放下端起咖啡杯。Werner put his fork down and raised his coffee cup.

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沃纳·海森堡、保罗·迪拉克和莉泽·迈特纳也在场。Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac and Lise Meitner were there.

就像黑泽明之与三船敏郎,沃纳·赫尔佐格之与克劳斯·金斯基,现在埃德加·怀特遇上了迈克尔·塞拉。Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski. Edgar Wright and Michael Cera.

沃纳太太迷恋图书,一开始读特罗洛普的小说就爱不释手。Mrs. Werner was passionate about books, tackling novels by Trollope.

我是赛博特有限公司的维尔纳•库波尔,我在德国打电话。Werner Küpper von der Firma Seibert AG. ich rufe aus Deutschland an.

维尔纳·贝克的眼睛对着杰斯特罗异样地闪闪发光,声音也颤料了。The eyes of Werner Beck strangely flashed at Jastrow, and his voice quavered.

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德国柏林洪堡大学的古思,大约在20年前设计了最后通牒游戏。Werner Güthof Humboldt University in Berlin devised Ultimatum Game some 20 years ago.

人生春天以及华纳哈德的俄斯特都已经在设法提供面向公司客户的培训班。Lifespring and Werner Erhard's Est were already tweaking their seminars for corporate clients.

沃纳•克里斯雅蒂先生将在本届科博会中国高新企业发展国际论坛发表演讲。Werner Christie will make speech at Development of High-tech Enterprises International Forums.

“柯南·道尔在创造出这个人物时就想杀死他,”维尔纳说,“对他来说,它只是个通俗故事,他想以更严肃的文学作品闻名。”"As soon as Conan Doyle created this character, he was trying to kill him off, " Mr. Werner said.

诺贝尔奖得主沃纳.海森伯格就是因为向学生们讲授爱因斯坦的量子概率而被拉入黑名单的。Nobel laureate Werner Heisenberg was blacklisted as he taught the students the quantum probability.

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在购物通道的另一侧,德国旅游者威纳@梅尔的目光也停留在琳琅满目的巧克力货架上。On the other side of the aisle, German tourist Werner Meier also eyes the wide array of chocolates.

在亨利和沃勒的带领下,他们的目标在于招纳英格兰的年轻天才。Under new owners John Henry and Tom Werner they are seeking to recruit the best young English talent.

他认为沃纳·特罗史克高级中学不太能激发灵感,因此他的学习并不出色。He found the Werner Trotschke Gymnasium school rather less inspiring and did not shine at his studies.

现代配位化合物的研究以阿尔佛雷德。沃纳和乔金森两人的研究为起点。The modern study of coordination compounds begins with two men, Alfred Werner and Sophus Mads Jorgensen.

最后,沃纳夫人像是领一位失魂的人一样把他领到了马车上,不耐烦的车夫立刻就飞马驾车走了。Finally, Frau Werner led him as one dazed to the carriage, and the impatient driver drove off at full speed.

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维尔纳丹沃克鼓励他的祖国加入联盟,于是德国最终于1926年加入。Werner Dankwort of Germany pushed for his home country to join the league which they eventually did in 1926.

他们是在1941年相识的,那时沃纳大夫作为美国退伍军人管理局的医生而被派驻在新奥尔良。They met in 1941, when Dr. Werner was stationed in New Orleans as a physician for the Veterans Administration.

法纳?托卡诺斯基出生于德国,目前是纽奥尔良爱乐交响乐团的指挥。Werner Torkanowsky was born in Germany and is now the conductor of the New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.