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他们会在后方重新组合出现。It would regroup and reappear in the rear.

享受这一刻,如果有必要的话重新部署一下。Be in the moment and take time to regroup if need be.

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我们必需找到一个重整旗鼓的要领,要否则就要悔之晚矣啦!We should find a way to regroup before it is too late.

过去的几年激进派已经开始重组。In the past year or so the Radicals have begun to regroup.

只有当事态得以解决时幸存者才能重组。Only once things had settled down could the survivors regroup.

圣约人舰队开始混乱,减速然后重新组队。The Covenant fleet was in disarray, slowed and paused to regroup.

另外对对象的群组、解组、重组功能也不错。I also liked the feature to group, ungroup and regroup the objects.

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这一经历促使他们重组队伍并寻找新的工作方法。This experience caused them to regroup and search for new ways to work.

我更喜欢把这个方法作为一种帮助孩童自我重新组建的途径。I prefer to use this method as a way of helping a toddler regroup instead.

因维德人已经击退了我们的主攻。建议我们撤退并重新部署。The Invid have repulsed our main attack. Recommend we fall back and regroup.

篮球赛中的休息给重组队员和替换队员提供了机会。In basketball timeouts provide an opportunity to regroup and substitute players.

利用这个机会,哈雷也对自身进行了重组。Given an opening, Harley used the opportunity provided by the tariffs to regroup.

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而进入这一地区后,抗议者们在彻夜长燃的篝火前组织起来,并重新武装。Inside, protesters regroup and rearm around bonfires that burn through the night.

阿尔-扎维说,在叛军重整以后将开始向Sirte进军。The march on Sirte, said al-Zawi, would start after the rebels regroup and reorganize.

但是穆里尼奥拒绝承认他的球队无法重新团结起来,赢得欧洲冠军联赛奖杯。But he refused to concede that his side could not regroup and win the Champions League.

通过自省和核对是否在正确的轨迹上来进行周期性的部署。Regroup periodically by introspecting and checking if you are moving in the right track.

所有的模块都是可配置的,您可以根据自己的需要对它们进行重组。All of the modules are configurable, and you can regroup things to suit your preferences.

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某些幼犬会在陌生物品前惊起,但几乎能马上镇定,开始调查此物。Some pups will startle at an unfamiliar object, but almost immediately regroup and check it out.

因为家里没有人支持她,我们需要帮助卡拉重整家庭,重新找回“一切尽在掌握”的感觉。With no one at home to back her up, we needed to get Cara to regroup her family and feel in control again.

然后必须在着陆过程中进行几次射击,将步枪隐藏在备好的降落下,重新组队,最后着陆。Then he must make a few shots while landing, hide the rifle under the reserve parachute, regroup and finally land.