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而搪塞决不能成为游戏的名字。Prevarication must not be the name of the game.

我们反对任何理由的拖延及推诿。We oppose any reason for the delay and prevarication.

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表述在虔诚的布道中的支吾可能不再足够。Prevarication couched in pious homilies may no longer suffice.

搪塞是这个商人喜欢使用的技巧之一。Prevarication is one of the techniques the businessman prefers to employ.

她就这一问题质问权威的一切尝试均被回避和搪塞。All her attempts to question the authorities on the subject have been met by evasion and prevarication.

但在建设新管道方面又一味搪塞,这不仅破坏了威胁的效果,而且激怒了中国人。But prevarication over the construction of new pipelines has both undermined those threats and exasperated the Chinese.

艾滋病患者身患其他疾病,需要外科手术,却因身份遭到一些医院的拒绝和推诿。AIDS patients suffering from other diseases, the need for surgery, because of the identity of the refusal by some hospitals and prevarication.

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张富贵安排贾三去县政府门口刺杀邱东,邱东面对询问回答的支支吾吾。Zhang Fugui arranged three to Jia county government at the entrance to the assassination of Qiu Dong, Qiu Dong asked to face answer prevarication.

马跃手机设了密码,苏岚无意中发现了,马跃搪塞说是怕单位同事翻手机,岚岚觉得有点不对劲。Jump mobile phone set the password, Su Lan stumbled, flip phone jump prevarication is afraid of the unit colleague, LAN LAN thought something was wrong.

如今的她,被大家公认为铁娘子。不过,作为一个年轻貌美,生性淳朴的政坛骨干,她拒绝一切伪善之言,搪塞之言,还有一些非常真实的问题,她必然是令人愉悦的。She is known now as the Iron Lady, but as a pretty, naïve young pol who cut through cant, prevarication and some very real problems, she must have been exhilarating.

志宏骑马到学校门口接女儿,路过商号时国秀提醒他对子萍好点,给她个名分,志宏搪塞。Zhihong riding to the school gate to pick up her daughter, when passing trade country show remind him good point pairs Ping, give her a birthright, Zhihong prevarication.