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他用链条把自行车拴在栅栏上。He chained his bike to the fence.

他把自行车栓到桩子上。He chained his bicycle to the post.

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甲板上拴著一个木长柄杓。There was a wood ladle chained to the deck.

所有ee被装载在一个链表里。All ees are chained together in a link list.

别担心装载量大,已经用链子拴住了。Don't worry about the heavy load. it's chained down.

是他们把我撵出了门,用铁链子扣了起来。They turned me out of doors, and chained me up here.

我会觉得受老婆、子女家室之累。I'd feel chained down with a wife, a house and children.

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用串联的心萦绕著饱尝滋养的薰衣草。Nourished lavenders have been surrounded by chained hearts.

在链表或串中安排一组项目。To arrange a collection of items in a chained list or catena.

挂着「待售」牌子的独轮手推车不可用锁鍊拴在树上。Wheelbarrows with For-Sale signs may not be chained to trees.

我母亲老是抱怨,她被家务束缚住了。My mother always complained of being chained down to housework.

不出差错是他的绳索,他实际是个奴隶,他没有什么自由。Chained by his certitudes, He is a slave, He has forfeited freedom.

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被他的信念牵制着,他是一个奴隶,他丧失了自由。Chained by his certitudes , he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom.

我注定跟这世界上独逐一只不会飞的鸟锁在一起了!I'm chained to the only bisexualrd in the world who ca strong't fly!

你问,为何,这阴冷凄清的地方琐链般将我牢牢束缚?Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place?

地震了,喜乐的能量冲开了监狱的一道道门,也开了他们的枷锁。The power of joy opened the prison doors and unshackled their chained.

不出任何差错的心态束缚着他,使他成为奴隶,他丧失了自己的自由。Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave, who has forfeited all freedom.

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福特将马车锁在灯柱下以防止被偷。Ford chained the carriage down to a lamppost to keep it from begin stolen.

他把半裸的女奴用铁链锁在王座上以供消遣。He kept scantily-clad slave girls chained to his throne for his amusement.

一条老狗的吠声传来,狗拴在那棵悬铃木上。She heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree.