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我听说还有个叫做健商,健康商数。I hear another one called HQ , health quotient.

对于除法问题的答案叫做商数。The answer to a division problem is the quotient.

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他到处吹嘘他儿子的智商高。He trumpeted his son's high intelligence quotient.

将你的幸福感成为日常的责任。Take daily responsibility for your happiness quotient.

同理,大家可以练习做一下除法法则。Similarly, you can do the quotient rule just for practice.

所以接下来你可能会问,要如何增加演讲中的活力呢?But how can you increase the "zing" quotient in your speeches?

我甚至可以在来年的浪漫测试中提高自己的分值。I could even try to rev up the romance quotient for next year.

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其实即使是一介匹夫依旧可以拥有高尚的情操。Even an ordinary individual can have a high spiritual quotient.

目的在R0代数中构造一种新型商代数。Aim It is concluded that a new type quotient algebra of R0 algebra.

比的前项除以后项所得的商,叫做比值。The quotient of the first term and the last term is called the ratio.

某一光源发出的光通量与其消耗功率的比值。Of a source. Quotient of the luminous flux emitted and the power consumed.

并应用区位商数分析了未来土地利用方式的变化趋势。The future variety trend of land use is analyzed applying location quotient.

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三商映射是完备映射和开映射的共同推广。Tri quotient maps are a common generalization of perfect maps and open maps.

给出了广义幂群的定义,讨论了幂群、商群和广义益群之间的关系。The structures of fuzzy power groups and fuzzy quotient groups are discussed.

我们的情绪智商还不算太低,抗拒来自多次中计。We also the emotional quotient is not too low, resistance from many in terms.

思考团队的智商,这又有什么价值呢?What is the value of thinking of project teams in terms of Intelligence Quotient?

宁波市第一医院还给他们赠送了80套“中国商环”。First Hospital of Ningbo City, they also donated 80 sets of "China quotient ring."

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在完美风暴来临的时候,你必须有好的弹性商数。开始准备吧。During the perfect storm, you must have a high resilience quotient. Prepare for it.

这和一般的除法求导法则,仅在写法上有点不同。And that is actually the usual quotient rule just written in a slightly different way.

我们把这部分叫作,以前你们也见过它,反应商。Q I'm going to call this thing here Q, which you've seen before. The reaction quotient.