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他所做的,是自私狡猾的。What he did was selfish and underhanded.

该商店在圣诞节期间缺少人手。The store is underhanded in the Christmas season.

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汤姆刚刚和杰瑞进行了一场秘密交易。Tom had just brokered an underhanded deal with Jerry.

先生,以秘密发送传票的形式祝你生日快乐!Man, talk about an underhanded way to deliver a subpoena!

恶作剧是一种欺骗、顽皮、或狡诈的行为。Shenanigans are trickery, mischief, or underhanded actions.

但垒球的投手必须使用下手投球。But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded.

作为一个法制国家,我们更喜欢讲道理和用手段。As a nation of lawyers, we have more litigious and underhanded methods.

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不巧的是,这其实是地下交易的结果。Unfortunately, it appears to be the result of some underhanded dealings.

或者他们从你处购买是出于秘密销售策略所带来的压力?Or are they buying from you under pressure from underhanded sales tactics?

像里克巴里的老秘密的罚球中,勾手投篮是完全跟不上时代。Like Rick Barry's old underhanded free throw, the hook shot is utterly uncool.

黑暗势力非常狡猾,知道如何用秘密手段来迷惑你们。The dark are very astute and know how to use underhanded means to catch you out.

他进一步解释,不需要为了赢得胜利而说谎、作弊或做偷鸡摸狗的事情。He elaborated that you don't have to lie, cheat, or do underhanded things to win.

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此外,有些运动员有时表现粗鲁,不文明动作太多。Besides, sometimes some players don't behave decently, too many underhanded actions.

政府的另一狠招是对于保险业的大肆抨击。The more underhanded gambit is the decision to bash the insurance industry at every turn.

黄洁冰说,这种做法阴险卑鄙,是想破坏她的名誉。Elizabeth Wong, 37, said it was an insidious and underhanded attempt to smear her reputation.

过去,为了挽救我们的友谊,我原谅丹尼尔告密行为。In the past, I have overlooked Danielle's underhanded behavior in order to save our friendship.

我也相信要想有说服力与耍阴谋诡计无关。I also believe that being persuasive has nothing to do with using sneaky or underhanded tactics.

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微软已否认其与杰利夫套近乎是种卑鄙或下流的手段。But Microsoft has rejected suggestions it was being sneaky or underhanded by approaching Mr Jelliffe.

像百事可乐这样的对手指控可口可乐的经商方式很卑鄙,而且软饮料也被视为造成肥胖的主要原因。Rivals like Pepsi accuse Coke of underhanded business practices, and soft drinks are seen as being a major cause of obesity.

你的顾客是否相信——真心诚意地相信——你的产品值得他们的金钱?或者他们从你处购买是出于秘密销售策略所带来的压力?Do your customers believe – truly, honestly believe – that your product is worth their money? Or are they buying from you under pressure from underhanded sales tactics?