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你在kiva有经济利益吗?Do you have a financial interest in Kiva?

通过Kiva捐助帮助一名企业家。Help an entrepreneur with a Kiva donation.

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我曾通过我的Kiva账户为这两个项目提供资金。Examples of projects I have helped fund through my Kiva account.

闪电上空南博尔迪山山顶地下Kiva棒阵列。Lightning rod array above the underground Kiva on South Baldy Peak.

月底的时候,我会把省下来的钱捐给基瓦组织。At the end of the month, I’ll take the money I saved and donate it to

没有,除非我通过这个平台来放款,我没有kiva的股份。No, except that I’ve made loans through the system. I don’t own a share of Kiva.

Kiva是一个旨在为全球创业者提供极小额贷款的非赢利机构。Kiva is a nonprofit that facilitates micro-lending to entrepreneurs across the world.

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上互联网,加入,,在那你可借款给非洲企业家。Go to the Internet and type in, where you can make a loan to an African entrepreneur.

更甚者,你可以通过Kiva网站,在贫困区贷放企业资金。You can even go as far as loaning entrepreneurs money in poverty stricken areas by using sites like Kiva.

怀着这种观点来看,能在经济危机之时将Kiva扩展美国可能是一个非常了不起的举措。With that notion in mind, expanding Kiva in to the U.S. during an economic crisis might just be a brilliant move.

Kiva新项目带对于其他国家的贷款人资助美国的小企业也很具潜力。Another facet to the new Kiva program is the potential for lenders from other countries to finance U.S small business.

Kiva是普通人利用网络向另一个大陆的另一个人提供帮助的很好的例子。Kiva is a good example of the ”average Joe“ uses the internet to lend a helping hand to another individual in another continent.

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萨瓦尔还提到了Twitter和Kiva以及Esty之间的交易,该交易是关于当在用户将这两个网站的链接推送出来时,在客户端直接嵌入其页面内容。Sarver also talked about deals Twitter made with Kiva and Etsy to display embedded content when users tweet links to their pages.

org和其它网络平台,如Facebook和Kiva,正在利用联网改善人们的贫穷境况。 along with other internet platforms such as Facebook and Kiva are using the internet to improve the plight of the poor.

近几年来大量的集体融资平台已经出现,比如从点对点的借贷网站Zopa到小额贷款巨头Kiva公司。A profusion of crowd-funding platforms has emerged in the last few years, from the peer-to-peer lending site Zopa to microfinance giants Kiva.

我会资助科学实验,给计划生育组织捐钱,建立一个当地假面骑士资金会,给品学兼优的有创造力的孩子奖学金。I'd sponsor scientific endeavors and give money to Planned Parenthood and start a local Kiva fund and give merit-based scholarships to innovative children.

为研究燃烧过程中压力波动产生的机理,由KIVA燃烧计算的流场模型推出三维声学波动方程,并与KIVA源程序相结合求解。To investigate mechanism of the origination of pressure oscillations in combustion, a three-dimensional wave equation is derived from the control equation set of KIVA.

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我初次通过Kiva.org网站了解到小额信贷,这家机构在全球范围内允许个人向其他人放贷,创建私人小企业来消除贫困。I first came across micro-finance through , an organisation that allows individuals to lend money to others around the globe, to alleviate poverty through small, private enterprises.

嘉欣华陶瓷凭着其先进的生产技术,严格的质量控制以及极具优势的价格,得到来自世界各地客户的青睐并且逐渐成长为一个强势的陶瓷品牌。Due to its cutting edge production equipment, strict quality control and competitive price, Kiva Ceramics receive a warm welcome from all over the world and become a mighty brand in this field.