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成为一名语言大师。Become a great wordsmith.

除了文学大师所具有的才华外,他还是个很有天赋的漫画家。With all his talent as a wordsmith , he was also a gifted cartoonist.

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对创意和文字充满激情,是语言大师,也是视觉思想家。Comes with a passion for ideas and words – a wordsmith who is also a visual thinker.

他白天是个有资质的律师,晚上则是网络武士,帮我修饰960网格系统的文字资料。He is a patent attorney by day, web ninja by night, and helped me wordsmith the 960 copy.

他本人是一个颇有成就的音乐和艺术评论家,说起话来,用词文雅。He himself was an accomplished music and art critic, as elegant a wordsmith in prose as in speech.

我也终于建立了一个博客来满足我内在的呼唤,而最后这也发展成了我的事业。I also eventually started a blog to satisfy an inner wordsmith in me that has blossomed into a career.

在信息高速网上,海量的信息在流动。The internet is deluged with rapid flow of information, but what is this to do with me, a mere wordsmith?

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这位啰嗦的语言大师一丝不苟地写上了轮班的实例,并迅速地确认了每周销售报告数字的准确性。This long-winded wordsmith "punctiliously shifts paradigms" and "expeditiously ensures the numerical veracity of weekly sales reports."

加拿大诗人、杰出的语言艺术家安妮•迈克尔斯给与该作品颇为评价——“首部具有非凡力量”的小说作品。Anne Michaels, a Canadian poet and no mean wordsmith herself, describes "An Equal Stillness" as "a first novel of uncommon power". Praise to be heeded.

此外,还用词频分析方法分析了中德合著SCI论文的选题,定位了双方共同的研究兴趣和研究热点。Using WordSmith software we also analyzed the frequency of words composing the titles of 7985 papers and found the common research interests and the hot topics of the double sides.