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你必须集合许多秃鹰吗?。Do you have to assemble many Condor?

让我们去对秃鹰的希望最好。Let's go wish the best to the Condor.

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有一个加利福尼亚秃鹫的例子。One example is the California condor.

兀鹰出租给游大拍照。A condor for hire for photo opportunity.

呃,还有足够多的吃的,秃鹰。Well, there's plenty more grubs here, Condor.

他们,完全是现实版的神雕侠侣。They totally realistic version of the Condor Heroes.

秃鹰龙的翼展大概有三米。Condor dragons have wingspans of approximately three meters.

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然而,Aerolíneas秃鹰是一种品牌的无可争辩的一部分。However, the Aerolíneas condor is an indisputable part of the brand.

天上有几只秃鹰正在盘旋,伺机扑下来美食一番。The sky has a few condor to circling, wait for one's chance attacks cate.

加利福尼亚秃鹰是世界上最罕见和最濒危的鸟类之一。The California Condor is among the rarest and most imperiled birds in the world.

这是来自球迷和球迷,对谁喜欢的射雕英雄。This is from Fans and for Fans, for who like the The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

羽蛇神,“整个美洲大陆把它描绘成鹰或秃鹰。Quetzalcoatl, "The whole American continent is represented by an eagle or condor."

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安地斯山脉是世界上最大型的鸟类之一「安地斯秃鹰」的家乡。The Andes mountains are home to Andean condor , one of the largest birds in the world.

肯恩视力,然后点火,取出后面的正确轮胎和秃鹰机器的防御物。Ken sights, then fires, taking out the back right tire and fender of the Condor Machine.

对康多兀鹫和秃鹫骨骼进行了系统地比较。A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.

神鹰遗了一堆白色的秽物在岩石上,仍旧翱翔自如。A whitish speck flattened against the rock does not prevent the condor from soaring aloft.

当一台正在运行某项任务的机器变为不可用的时候,可以为这项任务建立校验点。As a machine running a job submitted to Condor becomes unavailable , the job can be checkpointed.

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2011年1月30日,利马南部城市阿雷基帕的科尔卡大峡谷,一直安第斯秃鹰正在展翅飞翔。An Andean condor fliesover the Colca canyon at the Colca valley in Arequipa, south of Lima, on January 30, 2011.

电塔治疗方案执行之后,研究人员发现触电而死的秃鹫数量大幅下降。After the electrical-tower-therapy programme was started, the number of condor electrocutions dropped enormously.

秃鹰是一个强大的和动态的演变,尤其是像什么消除围绕其脖子狗项圈照顾。The condor is a strong and dynamic evolution, especially by removing what looked like a dog collar around its neck.