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他怒冲冲地离开了房间。He left the room in a huff.

他怒冲冲地坐汽车走了。He left in a huff and a car.

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我把自行车一丢,气呼呼的走了。I bike throwing, huff went away.

她怒冲冲地走出了房间。She went out of the room in a huff.

她怒气冲冲地冲出房间。She bounced out of the room in a huff.

你的刺猬可能会绻成一个小球。Your hedgehog may huff or roll into a ball.

蒸汽吞吐可进行至不经济时为止。Huff and puff is continued until it becomes uneconomical.

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她因为我的兄弟忘了她的名字而大动肝火。She's got into a huff because my brother didn't remember her name.

非常友善,用马儿特有的伸头、碰鼻、吹气和我们交流。Very friendly, with their special pull head, touch nose, huff to talk.

对著一个镜子哈气三次,镜子会有什麽不同?Take the mirror and huff on it three times. What happens to the mirror?

当然,你可以一怒之下辞职不干,去别处寻找更绿的牧场。Sure, you can quit your job in a huff and seek greener pastures elsewhere.

“那我就吹,我吹,我要把你们的房子吹倒!”大坏猪叫着。"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down! "said the pig.

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独特的测宽装置和比例吹胀,使制品精确更高。Unique mesurement device and scale huff ensures the preciseness of products.

所以他们把故事改编成爵士乐风格,变成“呼啊,吸啊,把你的房子吹倒。”So they jazzed up the story with all of that "Huff and puff and blow your house down".

作为食品业巨头赫夫·夜明者的儿子,比格斯的物质条件比大多数农场孩子要好。The son of food magnate Huff Darklighter, Biggs had things better than most farm children.

这一下县官老婆的火可压不住了,一拍桌子,拂袖而去。The fire of wife of this county officer can be not pressed, take a table, go off in a huff.

这人立即冲我咆哮,然后气冲冲地走了。The person promptly muttered something about blasts and me, then she walked away in a huff.

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在塔皮托的街头,吸毒者在路旁吸食毒品,毒贩则在一边进行毒品交易。Drug abusers huff glue and inhalants while dealers ply their trade on the streets of Tepito.

经哈夫的设计,木桩的一部分被房子从地面到屋顶的外壳遮盖着。Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially concealed by the house's groundtoroof shell.

因此在此期间,以色列只能气鼓鼓,希望对伊朗的新制裁将达到目的。So in the meantime Israel can only huff and puff, hoping new sanctions on Iran will do the trick.