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我的猫古斯塔夫是我所有的一切——我唯一的伴侣。My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had—the only company.

古斯塔夫收集了数百件在遗址中发现的物品。Gustaf Nordenskiold collected hundreds of objects he found in the ruins.

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古斯塔夫说,瑞典和中国有着长期友好交往的历史。Gustaf said that Sweden and China enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges.

其中一个最早的游客是个瑞典的年轻人古斯塔夫。One of the earliest visitors was a young man from Sweden, Gustaf Nordenskiold.

阿法拉伐集团的历史可追溯到1883年的瑞典,当时古斯塔夫-德-拉伐博士发明了奶油分离器。The Alfa Laval Group was originally founded in Sweden in 1883 by Gustaf De Laval.

我听过古斯塔夫国王许多次的演说,从未看到像这次那麽好。I have seen King Gustaf give many speeches, and I have never seen him deliver one this well.

「身为父母的我们,被你们深情款款的看著对方,而感到喜悦,」古斯塔夫国王说。"We as parents take joy in the affection by which you look at each other, " said King Gustaf.

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丹麦的一位经济学家古斯塔夫·布鲁斯为了从这些可能性中得出原因,他将视线投向了大屏幕上的明星们。To sort through the possibilities, Gustaf Bruze, an economist in Denmark, looked to the Big Screen.

玛德琳公主是瑞典国王卡尔十六世和王后西尔维娅三个孩子中年纪最小的,拥有第四顺位王位继承权。Madeleine is the youngest of Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia's three children and fourth in line to the throne.

2010年5月21日上午,国家主席胡锦涛在钓鱼台国宾馆会见了瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫。On the morning of May 21, 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

瑞典首相和妻子、新婚的维多利亚公主和未婚夫维斯特林、瑞典国王和王后出席欢迎庆典。Swedish Prime Ministar Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife Flippa Reinfeldt with Crown Princess Victoria, Daniel Westling, HM King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia at the Government's reception.