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我们能给他弄个徽章吗?Can we get him a badge?

哦,把你的记者证给我。Oh, give me your press badge.

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你还是用你的警号下注吗?。You still betting your badge?

朱莉,我到哪能拿到门卡啊?Julie, where can I get a badge?

松树是节操的象征。The pine is a badge of constancy.

这个男孩子把一枚徽章别在外套上。The boy pins a badge on his jacket.

他的领章表明他的级别。His collar badge designates his rank.

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我们把校徽别在外套上。We wear the school badge on our coats.

艺术襟章制作或照片襟章制作。Badge Making and also photo badge making.

在厂区内未佩带识别证者。Not wearing ID badge in the factory area.

每个学生都应该佩带校徽。Every student should carry a school badge.

“旭日”是爱德华三世的徽章。The Rising Sun was the badge of Edward III.

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那名警察的徽章使子弹偏转了。The policeman's badge deflected the bullet.

治安官的徽章是星状的。The sheriff's badge was shaped like a star.

他拿出工作证,说他是警察。He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.

你可以时常看到他们亲吻自己球会的徽章。You see them kissing the badge all the time.

我们不会从某个男人或女人身上认出任何丑行的标志。We discern no badge of infamy on man or woman.

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你看见那个佩戴刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge?

作为回报,他只要一枚联邦特派员的徽章。All he wanted in return was a federal agent's badge.

请把你的钥匙和工牌还给人事部。Please return your key and badge to the HR department.