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超塑变形过程控制界面迁移。Boundary Migration Stimulated by Superplastic Deformation.

阐述了超塑等温成形工艺现存的问题及发展方向。The problems and trends of superplastic isothermal forming process are described.

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展示了超塑性成形技术在某些领域中的应用前景。It also shows the prospects for applying the superplastic forming technique in some fields.

用超塑性成形工艺能一次成形出复杂形状的零件。The complicated shaped parts are able to be singly formed by a superplastic forming process.

研究了2091铝锂合金超塑变形的断裂行为。The fracture behaviors in superplastic deformation of 2091 Al Li alloy have been investigated.

对大块非晶合金在过冷液相区内的超塑性变形特点进行了评述。Superplastic behaviors of bulk amorphous alloys in the supercooled liquid region were reviewed.

并对超塑性变形过程中的孔洞行为与断裂机理进行了研究。The cavitation behavior and the fracture mechanism under superplastic deformation are analyzed too.

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本文对超塑性形变过程中的组织变化进行了研究。In this paper, The Microstructure of hard-Aluminum Alloy LY12 in superplastic deformation is studied.

均匀变形条件是超塑性材料迭到很高塑性的一个条件。When uniform deformation condition is satisfied, superplastic materials will have very high plasticity.

试样在超塑性变形时产生的伸长率与晶界宽度有密切联系。Elongation of the sample during superplastic deformation has a close relation with grain boundary width.

对超塑变形后锰黄铜的空洞特征进行了系统研究。In this paper, a study of the cavitation of manganese-brass during superplastic deformation is reported.

可省去固溶与过时效预处理工序。There is no need for solid solution and overaging pretreatments in the superplastic deformation process.

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同时,分析和对比了陶瓷超塑性与金属超塑性的特点。Meanwhile the characteristics of superplastic ceramics and superplastic metals are analyzed and compared.

提出了一种适用于工业铝合金棒材的超塑预处理方法。A superplastic pretreatment method suitable for industral aluminium alloy bars is presented in this paper.

对十字槽型锁芯的超塑性挤压技术进行了研究。The technique of superplastic extrusion of lock core with cross-shaped groove are researched in this paper.

对01420合金的形变热处理工艺和超塑性进行了研究。The thermomechanical processing and superplastic deformation behavior of 01420 alloy have been investigated.

目前,对于正确理解超塑性陶瓷的变形机理,还需进行大量工作。At present more works are needed to understand the mechanisms of superplastic deformation in ceramics correctly.

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试验结果表明,用超塑挤压的方法加工圆柱直齿轮是可行的。The experimental results show that it is feasible to machining the spur gear with superplastic extrusion process.

研究了未经预处理LY12CZ在强电场中的超塑气压胀形。Superplastic bulging of duralumin LY12CZ under a strong electric field, without any pretreatment, is investigated.

晶界扩散控制晶界滑动是低温超塑行为的主要机理。Grain sliding controlled by grain boundary diffusion is the main mechanism for low temperature superplastic behavior.