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你将间隔填补上了You fill in the gap.

高能隙材料。High band gap materials.

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这个间隙不够大。The gap isn't big enough.

他看不到岩石上有任何缝隙。He could see no gap in it.

“敌我”力量悬殊太大。The strength gap is too big.

本准则针对这一空白。The guidelines address this gap.

这一资助差额必须加以填补。This funding gap must be filled.

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通过元搜索技术缩小差距Bridging the Gap With Meta-Search

小客体永远无法跨越这个罅隙。The petit a never crosses this gap.

缝隙将是构件的铸模。The gap would be mold of the member.

在岩石间有个大豁口。A great gap yawned between the rocks.

玦中心缺口吊饰玉珠。Jue hang adorn jade bead central gap.

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经济衰退,美国收入差距进一步加深。US income gap widens during recession.

他从树篱的缺口处挤过去。He squeezed through a gap in the hedge.

平台升离水面多少才开始压载?What's the air gap to start preloading?

我在冰封的深海,找寻希望的缺口。I was frozen deep-sea, to find hope gap.

测量滚筒打印头的差距。Measure the printhead gap to the platen.

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依靠投资增长来填补空缺也是不可能的。Nor can investment rise to fill the gap.

这种差距在白人和黑人中均存在。The gap existed among whites and blacks.

现在差距又重新出现——并且比以往都大。Now the gap is back—and bigger than ever.