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是什么外行做的这份报告?。Whatis the layman to make of this?

要假设合同的读者是一个受过教育的外行。A ume the reader is a knowledgeable layman.

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你在海洋学方面是个门外汉。You are a layman in the field of oceanology.

我得承认,就保险而言,我是个外行。I must admit I’m a layman as far as insurance is concerned.

“我说过我是业余爱好者,一个门外汉,无法胜任这项工作”他笑着说。"I said I was an amateur a layman I couldn't do the job " he says laughing.

双金属箔强烈建议快速验证的门外汉。Bi- metal foil is strongly recommended for quick authentication by the layman.

好了,看看这能不能让你好受些,我那时候也做过很糗的事。Well, if it makes you feel any better I did some pretty layman things in my day!

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消费者作为门外汉,无从分辨到底是涂料质量问题还是施工方的问题。As a layman consumers, not tell what is the quality of paint or construction side.

用外行人的话来说,浅成岩最好称为“浮渣”。In the language of the layman the epicrustal rocks can best be described as the "scum".

若纳山僧见处,直饶知解顿忘,犹是门外汉。If satisfied Shanseng see Office Solutions Direct Rao know Dayton forget, still a layman.

用外行人的话来说,浅成岩最好称为“浮渣”。In the language of the layman the Epicrustal rocks can best be described as the "scum. ""

功利与审美、艺术家和普通人之间的界限被瓦解。The dichotomy between utilitarian and aesthetic, between artist and layman is broken down.

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“还有,性别与性并非同义词,”他说,“尽管门外汉可能不知道其区别。”And gender isn’t synonymous with sex, he says, although the distinction may elude the layman.

外行人首先会考虑风险重要性的降低程度。Risks that have seen a decline in importance are the ones that first come to mind for the layman.

即使有头脑和受过教育的普通人也少有或时常没有法学专业技能。Even the intelligent and educated layman has small and sometimes no skill in the science of the law.

在出现更好的词汇来描述这一过程之前,懵懂的外行人只能称之为「教育」。Until a better word comes along to denote that process, the dazzled layman can only call it education.

后来他以居士之身在不红镇主持了第一次公开的十日禅,还自己花钱供斋食给这三、四十位参加的人。It was as a layman that Por Teean held his first meditation retreat open to the public at Buhom for ten days.

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外行人往往觉得程序比较神秘,但实际上,程序的本质就是驱使机器去替人干活。The layman often feel program more mysterious, but in fact, the program is driven machine for others to work.

照我们这些门外汉看,我们耗费那么多金钱和努力所取得的成就是微乎其微的。As far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all this expenditure of money and effort are negligible.

曹雪芹采用“用俗笔,写俗人”的手法,十分清晰地表明了他的性爱观。Cao Xueqin adopted the tactics of "using the vulgar pen and writing layman" and showed his sexual love view very clearly.