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即使有炎症浸润也很少。Inflammatory infiltrates are scant if any.

突然发作呼吸困难和脚痛时。When sudden outbreak scant of breath and foot pain.

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提利昂·兰尼斯特缺乏和其他侏儒相处的经验。Tyrion Lannister had scant experience with other dwarfs.

当野猪离他不到七十五呎的时候,他开了枪。When the boar was a scant seventy-five feet away, he fired.

日本资源馈乏,并且依赖出口推动经济。Japan has scant natural resources, and is reliant on exports to fuel its economy.

传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth.

没有充分的证据表明正发党在执政期间试图颠覆世俗主义。And there is scant evidence that AK has used its time in office to subvert secularism.

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德国鱼雷击中卢西塔尼亚号后,不到18分钟,它就滑入海浪底下。The Lusitania slipped below the waves a scant 18 min. after the German torpedo hit it.

在西南地区很缺乏霸王龙类的牙齿和骨骼碎片。Scant tyrannosauroid teeth and scraps of bone had previously been found in the Southwest.

于是混合动力车冲过来之前,反应的时间是少之又少,不安全是肯定的。That left scant few seconds to react before the hybrid reached them. And that's not safe.

你留恋多佛低于标准的住宿条件和不足的奖学金,这明显是非理性的。Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational.

但随着失业率上升和实际收入的缩水,实现上述两点的机会不大。With unemployment rising and real incomes squeezed there is scant chance of that happening.

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科学的新发现我们谈了不少,但怎样利用它们为我们服务却做得很不够。We prattle about scientific discoveries, but we have made scant use of them for our benefit.

维斯不再揉捏三明治,但他的眼神因为我对圣诞魔法信心不足在责怪我。Wes pauses over his sandwich. His eyes reproach me for my scant faith in the magic of Christmas.

到美国来之前,杰拉尔德没有受过多少教育,可是他对此并不怎么有自知之明。If the educational equipment which Gerald brought to America was scant , he did not even know it.

央行持有的外汇储备过低,使其在危机中缺乏足够的资金实力。The central bank held low foreign-exchange reserves, leaving it with scant ammunition in a crisis.

以往对激励教导类校园标语的研究很少,而且基本上都是从教育学的角度进行的。The existing studies on EISS are scant and almost all of them are from the perspective of education.

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我的六十位老师之中,不可能以留声机来取代的,我看不到半打。I had, out of my sixty teachers, a scant half dozen who couldn't have been supplanted by phonographs.

相关细节描述很少,我是同来泰国旅游的中国回民聊天后知道的。There are scant details on this but I heard about this talking to Hui Chinese travellers in Thailand.

奥巴马的此次讲话对激励计划的细节提及甚少,亦未能满足华尔街的预期.The speech offered scant details about the stimulus plan and failed to meet Wall Street's expectations.