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亚美尼亚没有海岸和港口。Armenia lacks a seacoast or a port.

我有两个故乡,而亚美尼亚是那第一个。I have two homelands and Armenia is the first one.

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按照传统,他是烈属,在亚美尼亚。According to tradition, he was martyred in Armenia.

亚美尼亚主要的宗教是基督教。The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity.

是的,阿君和吕底亚已在亚美尼亚重大发现。Right, Arjun and Lydian has made a major discovery in Armenia.

在与亚美尼亚的异教徒冲突中,他以身殉教。He fell afoul with the pagans in Armenia where he was martyred.

土耳其和亚美尼亚在历史上经历了一连串惨痛事件。The history between Turkey and Armenia is a series of awful events.

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很不幸,亚美尼亚现在别无他路可走。"Unfortunately, now Armenia has not another alternative, " she says.

谁都知道亚美尼亚邻近中只有一个强大有力的国家。Of course, there was only one large and powerful nation close to Armenia.

前苏联亚美尼亚共和国一直是WM-80式MRL的唯一使用者。The former Soviet republic of Armenia remain the only user of the WM-80 MRL.

吕底亚是努力让他们在亚美尼亚发现了这个词?Is Lydian making efforts to get the word out about their discovery in Armenia?

但即使到了那个时候,亚美尼亚也没得选择,还是得使Metsamor核电站的涡轮机继续旋转。But until then, Armenia has little choice but to keep Metsamor's turbines turning.

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停靠在洪都拉斯海岸拉美尼亚新城的一个礁湖岸边的木质独木舟。Wooden dories rest on the shore of a lagoon in Nueva Armenia on the Honduran coast.

在一九八八年,亚美尼亚发生严重地震,数以千计居民罹难。In 1988 a terrible earthquake shook the country of Armenia. Thousands of people died.

亚美尼亚是位于欧亚大陆南高加索山脉的内陆国。Armenia is a land-locked country located in Eurasia's Southern Caucasus mountain range.

被录取的学生将在两个星期内一同演奏,然后再访问亚美尼亚和格鲁吉亚。Those selected will play together for two weeks before going on tour to Armenia and Georgia.

卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。Lucullus invades armenia starting centuries of warfare between the roman and persian empires.

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此外,在乔治亚州,克林顿还访问了乌克兰、波兰、阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚语。In addition to Georgia, Clinton also visited Ukraine, Poland, Azerbaicdfds. coman and Armenia.

亚美尼亚重申通过和平谈判解决纳卡问题的愿望。Armenia reiterates its wish to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh issue through peaceful negotiations.

土耳其和亚美尼亚领导人会成为下届诺贝尔和平奖得主吗?Will the winners of the next Nobel Peace Prize be the leaders of adversaries Turkey and Armenia?