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共同努力,实现祖国统一。We should all strive to reunify the motherland.

只有社会主义才能救中国、强中国,并使香港回归。Only socialism can save and strengthen China and reunify Hongkong.

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统一中国的主张已经得到大多数其他国家的支持。The claim to reunify China has been supported by most of other countries.

两个朝鲜各自的目标都是根据用其自己的政治制度来统一朝鲜半岛。Each state aims to reunify the peninsula under its own system of government

有一天,分散各地的同胞们,大家都会重新聚合在一起,一夕之间,又回到了能量的状态。Someday, the dispersing parts will reunify and turn into the state of energy again.

由联合国斡旋的有关塞浦路斯统一问题的会谈未能达成协议。U.N. mediated talks have failed to achieve an agreement to reunify the divided island of Cyprus.

苏联帝国解体之后,欧洲在过去的20年中最伟大的壮举之一就和平统一欧洲大陆。One of Europe’s greatest feats in the past 20 years was peacefully to reunify the continent after the end of the Soviet empire.

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在一次讲话时,金大中说,他坚信未来北韩与韩国会实现合作,协调和统一。In a speech at the time, Mr. Kim said he believed strongly in a future in which North and South Korea cooperate, reconcile, and reunify.

问题是在思想封闭的神权伊斯兰教还是更为世俗和宽容的社会下完成政治上的统一。It's a question of whether they will politically reunify under close-minded theocratic Islamism or under a more secular and tolerant society.

南北朝鲜的目标都是要根据其自身的政治制度来统一朝鲜半岛,虽然南方,注意到经济利益和重新统一,声调稍为低一些。Each state aims to reunify the peninsula under its own system of government, though the South, mindful of the economic costs of reunification, is less vocal.

这样,社会主义四个现代化建设、祖国的统一、反霸权主义的斗争,也就没有一个力量能够领导进行。Thus, there would be no force in China capable of leading our drive for socialist modernization, our effort to reunify the motherland or our struggle against hegemonism.

多年来官方对祖国需要重新统一的宣传,以及国土分裂造成的灾难性后果,都意味著这些姿态在中国得到了广泛认同。Years of official propaganda about the need to reunify the motherland and the disastrous historical consequences of a divided china means that these attitudes are very widely shared.

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维护中国主权和领土完整,实现祖国的完全统一是全体中国人民的共同愿望和神圣使命。For this, we never renounce the use of force, as it is common aspiration and sacred mission of the people of China to safeguard China's sovereignty and also to reunify our motherland.

克林顿还表示,美国继续支持联合国为使塞浦路斯通过组成双区划的双社群联邦体重新实现统一而进行的斡旋努力,同时继续支持土耳其争取加入欧盟的努力。The United States continues to support the U.N.-brokered effort to reunify Cyprus as a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, Clinton said, as well as Turkey’s bid to join the European Union.

他一直强烈反对Talat参加的外交程序,按照联合国和塞浦路斯共和国要求的寻求统一该岛国。He's strongly opposed to the diplomatic process in which Mr Talat was engaged, seeking to reunify the island in accordance with principles adopted by the United Nations and the Republic of Cyprus.