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钻完方钻杆。Drill the Kelly down.

要把方钻杆放在哪里?Where to set the kelly?

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凯利里德知道。Kelly Reeder knows that.

哦,还有一款爱马仕的凯莉包。Oh, and an Herm s Kelly.

杨凯利是一个中国女孩。Kelly Yang is a Chinese girl.

将方钻杆放在鼠洞里。Set the kelly in the rathole.

小月住在中国,香港。Kelly lives in Hongkong, China.

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凯丽感到林丽是一个真正的朋友。Kelly found Lin Li a real friend.

凯利坎特是在患难中的明星。Kelly Canter is a star in trouble.

凯莉梦珀家在阿拉巴马州郊区。Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama.

将方钻杆提出钻盘面。Lift the kelly out from rotary table.

我叫昝帅,我的英语名字叫凯莉。My English name is Kelly. I'm eleven.

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我的朋友埃林和凯利交谈着。My friend Erin asked my friend Kelly.

凯利说,所有参展画家均友好相处。Kelly said all the painters got along.

斯拜德。凯利不仅记得科恩。Spider Kelly not only remembered Cohn.

埃伦·凯利,凯利·埃伦,凯伦·埃利。Ellen Kelly, Kelly Ellen, Kellen Nelly.

凯乐每天都会瞒报几美元。Kelly skimmed off a few dollars each day.

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方钻杆旋转器典型地采用气动方式。The kelly spinner is typically pneumatic.

看看凯丽沙滩的浴帘就知道了。Look at the shower curtain on kelly beach.

玛丽?凯利认为,你是个大白痴。Mary Kelly thinks you are a complete idiot.