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听到bora这个名字就让人想起神话里的天堂。The name Bora Bora evokes images of a mythic paradise.

这是至关重要的是,高尔夫球场发射那样优秀,因为宝来已。It was crucial that the Golf launch be as outstanding as the Bora had been.

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托拉搏拉山的战斗要比通常描述的更为混乱。The combat at Tora Bora was a good deal more chaotic than usually described.

在时间之间的宝来和高尔夫推出,市场发生了急剧的变化。In the time between the Bora and Golf launch, the market had drastically changed.

事实上,他在上学之前本来想用这笔钱买一辆宝来轿车。In fact, he originally wanted to go to school before using this to buy a car Bora.

全新宝来澎湃的动力输出让您的驾驶乐趣一触即发。Surgent power output of All New Bora makes your driving pleasure easy on the trigger.

宝来发射是最成功的新车推出,在中国汽车工业的历史。The Bora launch was the most successful new car launch in China's automotive history.

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实现了捷达、来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for jetta bora and golf car was realized.

实现了捷达、宝来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for Jetta, Bora and Golf car was realized.

沙在前面带路,我们穿过一条狭长的小溪上漂浮的巨砺,爬上小山,进入托拉搏拉山洞。Shah leads me across the boulders of a narrow creek and up a hill into the Tora Bora caves.

正如前中国足球教练米卢蒂诺维奇所说,“态度决定一切”。Just as what Bora Milutinovic, the former Chinese soccer coacher, have said that attitude is everything.

博拉博拉岛塔普潜水点,摄影师在20米深的水下近距离接触一条柠檬鲨。This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.

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在对丢失失望的同时,中国教练米卢是通过他的队的和表现战斗很高兴。While disappointed with the loss, China coach Bora Milutinovic was pleased by his team's battling performance.

在托拉博拉与本拉丹和他的部队山脉,似乎要放弃他的位置,美国截获唠。S intercepted chatter in the Tora Bora mountains between bin Laden and his forces that seemed to give up his location.

在托拉搏拉本拉登处所废墟附近的一处空旷之地,我在GPS上按了几个键,屏幕上的地图拓展开来。In a clearing near the ruins of bin Laden's Tora Bora house, I punch a few buttons on the GPS, broadening the map on my screen.

索菲特在塔希提岛,莫雷阿岛和波拉波拉度假村,已被迅速指出其工作人员可以作为婚礼的翻译人员。Sofitel, with resorts in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora, has been quick to point out that its staff can serve as wedding translators.

在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin' mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora.

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在美军入侵并击溃他的塔利班保护者之后,他最初从阿富汗东部山区的托拉搏拉逃脱。He initially escaped from Tora Bora in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan after an American invasion routed the Taliban, his protectors.

2001年,美国士兵和阿富汗民兵部队追捕出生于沙特阿拉伯的本•拉登对托拉博拉山区了大规模进攻。US soldiers and Afghan militia forces launched a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains in2001 in pursuit of Saudi-born bin Laden.

在20世纪90年代末,为了政治宣传,本。拉登曾邀请特选记者到阿富汗东部托拉搏拉的山洞中见他。In the late 1990s, for propaganda purposes, Bin Laden invited select journalists to meet him in caves near Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan.