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泰国动画片网。Thai cartoon web.

我喜欢这幅漫画。I like this cartoon.

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卡通书里有什么?What's in a cartoon?

一些是卡通书。Some are cartoon books.

我们俩都是漫画迷。We are both cartoon fans.

剪辑ta喜欢的卡通画Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.

漫画结合了艺术和幽默。A cartoon combines art and humor.

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跟随卡通画面唱歌曲。As sing as do follow the cartoon.

别再看动画片,波波。Don't see the cartoon yet, Bo-Bo.

这部卡通令孩子们感动。The cartoon thrilled the children.

你喜欢看卡通电影吗?Do you enjoy seeing cartoon movies?

向同学展示你的动画片。Show your cartoon to your classmates.

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卡通书里有许多图片。There are many pictures in a cartoon.

“manga”一词在日语中是动漫的意思。Manga is Japanese for comic or cartoon.

复古,普普艺术,七十年代,和卡通。Retro, Pop Art, Seventies, and Cartoon.

连大人也喜欢卡通片。While you're adults like watch cartoon.

他成为卡通式的坏人。He has become a kind of cartoon bad guy.

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这也是一部世界知名的卡通。It is also a famous cartoon in the world.

那部卡通片转移了孩子们的注意力。The cartoon diverts children's attention.

画漫画的笔应该可以使用铅笔吧?The pen should draw cartoon using a pencil?