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所以你趋于采用动物性的夸张。So you're driven to animalistic puffery.

谈到今年的动物性的方式。Talk about animalistic fashion for this year.

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我的禽兽生活佔领了我生活的统治地位。My animalistic life is in a dominate position.

但是这的确是很原始,很动物性的。But there's something very primal, very animalistic about it.

暴怒从非人的角度来看,我喜欢一个如杀人机器的男人。In a truly animalistic way, I love a man who is a fucking killing machine.

然而,我们往往会忽视我们身上的动物特征,而“活”在我们的脑子中。However, we tend to ignore our animalistic traits and live our lives in our heads.

他写道他们是上帝的崇拜者,他们不实行动物祭祀。He wrote that they were worshippers of god who did not practice animalistic sacrifices.

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我设计的楚巴卡,面容更象野兽,为了达到这一效果,在面部特征上,我更多地用了猫科动物的脸部元素,而他的双手双脚,则用了猫科动物的爪子形状。I gave Chewbacca a more animalistic look with the more feline face and clawed hands and feet.

男性会展现更多动物信号,或摆出拥有者的姿态,给潜在对象留下深刻印象。A man may exhibit more animalistic signals or ownership gestures, to impress a potential mate.

然而由于进化不足,狂暴龙兽依然在许多方面保留着兽性。Although capable of at least rudimentary reasoning, rage drakes remain animalistic in many ways.

但是两性之间的吸引和欲望已经随着每次性爱在她的脑海里飘然而去了。But the animalistic attraction and the desire to blow her mind during every sexual encounter have long gone.

他们的音乐说来就是有些非常原始和简单的元素,又有些狂野和有趣的东西。There is something really primitive and simple about their music, something very animalistic and interesting.

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但是年龄到了30岁以后,动物性的蛋白就开始要下降,这个下降因人而异。But age after 30 years old, the animalistic protein starts to drop, this drop is different from person to person.

他们高度依赖科技,早已摈弃了所有的动物性和本能。The Bith have become totally dependent on technology, having long since lost all their animalistic traits and instincts.

场景的拍摄方法也相当简单,李安选择蓝色牛仔裤沙沙的声音和猪的呼噜声来组成整个的音乐背景。It’s also filmed simply, with Ang Lee opting for the sound of rustling blue jeans and animalistic grunts filling the entire soundscape.

另有一些表达动物概念的纱种,鸟类羽毛、兽毛及皮革等质感,可以是带斑点的,甚至印花图案,带出年少而狂野的生命力。Still others present animalistic aspects , with feathery , furry and leathery qualities , that can be spotted , dotted and printed like young wildlife.

但他认为,工作场所的动物性进攻也并不都是坏事,因为有些做法是推动公司向前发展的重要特性。He argues that animalistic aggression in the workplace isn't all bad, because some of these tendencies are the very traits that propel companies forward.

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他动物的方式得到他的麻烦,但即使它看起来像野生的事情是去为好,我们看到他站在天台望着他的网域。His animalistic ways gets him in trouble, but even though it looks like Wild Thing is gone for good, we see him standing on a roof top looking out over his domain.

我也很有兴趣演绎由母性所引发出的残暴特质,例如当我们有了孩子后我们变得有多兽性,不过最终目的也只是为了想保护孩子。I'm also interested in the ferociousness that motherhood creates and how animalistic we become after we have children, and ultimately what it means to protect them.

但是我们应该以负责任的方式去处理这些另人感到不舒服和不悦的情绪,这样我们才不会变成情绪的奴隶,而这些情绪反应出了我们兽性的本能。But rather, use responsible methods for dealing with these uncomfortable and unpleasant emotions so that we are no longer slaves to the emotional reflexes of our animalistic instincts.