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冰淇淋的关键成分-奶脂的价格创了历史记录新高。The price of butterfat , the key ingredient in ice cream, rose to a record level.

它有一个平稳,光滑的纹理,并根据其标示乳脂含量。It has a smooth, satiny texture and is labeled according to its butterfat content.

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与此相对,乳脂率在上午和下午高,深夜低。On the contrary, Butterfat rate is high in the morning and afternoon but lower at midnight.

鲜奶油是按照其不同的乳脂含量来区分以及销售的。Cream are categorized and sold according to the amount of milk fat or butterfat they contain.

本文提出新的乳脂率校正公式,区别于过去的老公式。The author provided a new formula of correcting butterfat rate different from the former one.

与对照组相比,乳蛋白有所升高,乳脂率有所下降。Contrasted with control group, lactoprotein was increased while butterfat percentage decreased.

所有,但吃甜食不可抗拒的任何人,新的治疗也装载乳脂。All but irresistible to anyone with a sweet tooth, the new treat was also loaded with butterfat.

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但是,牛奶巧克力中添加的乳脂会提高血液中胆固醇含量。Milk chocolate, on the other hand, contains added butterfat which can raise blood cholesterol levels.

奶油是一种乳制品,由牛奶发生均化作用前撇出来的表面的高脂层制成。Cream is a dairy productthatis composed ofthehigher- butterfat layer skimmed from the topofmilk before homogenization.

黄油,奶油一种乳脂、水、空气,有时还加盐的软的浅黄色或白色的乳化物,通过搅拌牛奶或乳脂而得,加工用于烹饪和并作为食物。A soft yellowish or whitish emulsion of butterfat , water, air, and sometimes salt, churned from milk or cream and processed for use in cooking and as a food.

前者味道更好,但是往往会在它需要发酵的数小时内会有厚、有薄的层,加热时更可能失去乳脂。The first has better flavor but tends to separate into thick and thin layers during the hours it takes to ferment, and is more likely to leak butterfat when heated.

但是,牛奶巧克力中添加的乳脂会提高血液中胆固醇含量。牛奶巧克力的抗氧化成份和其他有益的植物营养素也比黑巧克力低。Milk chocolate, on the other hand, contains added butterfat which can raise blood cholesterol levels. And it has less antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals than dark chocolate.