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V字仇杀队---娜塔莉.波特曼Natalie Portman — V for Vendetta

我没有私人仇报克拉伦斯托马斯。I have no personal vendetta against Clarence Thomas.

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她横渡沙漠而来,只为了报一点血仇。She came across the desert, only to report a little vendetta.

复仇是一个很好的突袭敌人的先手技能。Vendetta is a good initiating spell for surprising opponents.

总统宣称这是司法系统实施的政治报复。The president claims the courts are pursuing a political vendetta.

从那以后里德就一直伺机报复贝克和杨。Since then Reed has been waging a vendetta against Baker and Young.

西佐与达斯·维德尊主间的世仇几乎断送整个组织。Xizor's personal vendetta against Lord Darth Vader nearly scuttled the entire organization.

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在如此深仇大恨面前佳恩是一步步从一位百合般纯洁的女人变成了带刺的玫瑰。Good in front of such a vendetta is step by step from a lily as pure woman rose became a thorn.

开始与西西里黑手党女生的报复,他们会暨后用自己的屁股!When you start a vendetta with the Sicilian Mafia Girlz they will cum after you with their asses!

汤米·谢里丹今天蹲在监狱里,因为默多克个人对其进行的怨恨。Tommy Sheridan is in jail today because of a vendetta by Murdoch personally to ‘get this little communist’.

但在小组有人把警戒,变成肉和血仇杀虚拟杀人游戏。But someone in the group has turned vigilante, turning the game of virtual murder into a flesh-and-blood vendetta.

对于一个年过八十,在议会委员会上提供证词时还有着满腹怨言的老人,我没有什么深仇大恨。I don't have a vendetta against anyone over 80 who likes to begrudgingly give evidence to parliamentary committees.

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对于许多观察家来说,V怪客面具与不论是詹姆士一世时期的阴谋家,还是现代的漫画书/电影都无关。For many observers, the V for Vendetta mask has nothing to do with a Jacobean conspirator or a modern comic-book slash movie.

提出这些论点的作者可以对Durant市长有此个人怨仇,但论述中所陈述的各项内容并不能为这样一种责怪提供依据。The arguer may have a personal vendetta against Mayor Durant but the elements stated in the argument do not support such an accusation.

套件直接螺栓上的事情,转化为杜卡迪超级怪客似乎是一个相当直接的过程。Making the kit a direct bolt-on affair, transforming your Ducati Superbike into a Vendetta seems like a fairly straight-forward process.

复仇是一个很好的突袭敌人的先手技能。在很远的地方使用它,使敌人无法听到技能发动时的声音效果。Vendetta is a good initiating spell for surprising opponents. Cast it far away so that they cannot hear its sound effect upon activation.

大家往往认为拒绝只针对自己,觉得招生办公室和你有深仇大恨,拒绝你的申请。It's very easy to take a rejection personally and to imagine that the admissions office had some vendetta against you and your application.

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久保安静规律地生活在一个海边小村子里,直到一位来自过去的怨灵重新激起仇恨,久保的生活也因此掀起巨浪。Kubo lives a quiet, normal life in a small shoreside village until a spirit from the past turns his life upside down by re-igniting an age-old vendetta.

唯一的裁决就是复仇,这种作为还愿的仇杀不会白费,是为了将来能给警惕者和有德者昭雪的那一天的价值和正确性。The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

我们希望你们能够认识到黑暗势力的谎言与令人发指的行为,他们因与光明强烈而邪恶的宿怨而迫使你们成为奴隶。We wish that you will become cognisant of the lies and heinous practices ofthedark ones whichbindyouinslaverytotheir exquisitely nefarious vendetta against the light.