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这是一个社会问题。This is asocial problem.

她是社交花蝴蝶。She is asocial butterfly.

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熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。Bears are asocial secretive animals.

是一种政治纲领和社会实践运动。Thirdly, it is a political creed and an asocial practical movement.

你很少花时间来反思——或者偶尔花时间在自以为是的细枝末节中。You spend little of your time in reflection – or sometimes in asocial niceties.

这可能并不为你的伙伴所接受,他希望你能有空参与社交活动。This possibly will not sit well with your partner, who may prefer that you be available for asocial function.

一个难以揣测的社会边缘人士,总是朝着你的脸喷水并把快乐建立在开别人玩笑的基础上。An unpredictable, asocial borderline individual who squirts water in your face and makes fun at the expense of others.

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一些哲学家辩论说,权利今仅存在于社会契约中,作为责任和权利的交换的一部分。Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within asocial contract as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.

在自主的情境之下,社运组织较有能力独立设置自己的策略,而不受到联盟政党的限制。Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party.

这次活动是自我班从新西兰回来之后的第一次集体社会实践活动。This is the first time for me and my classmates to have asocial practice activity together after we came back from New Zealand.

加快建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系,保障人民基本生活。Accelerate the establishment of asocial security system covering both urban and rural residents and guarantee their basic living conditions.

教室是语言学习者进行相互作用过程的非正式人际沟通的场所。The classroom is the place where language learners interact with one another in the process and asocial environment of interpersonal communication.

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火星来客也会惊奇地发现,这些不寻常的机器令地球沉溺其中,并让地球上的人类变得呆若木鸡、茕茕孓立、一言不发。Visitors from Mars would marvel at these remarkable machines that had managed to enslave the Earth and keep its inhabitants immobile, asocial and mute.

在等候室里干坐着直到排队来到某官僚的办公桌前对任何美国人来说都不啻为一种绝对的损失,生活在社会秩序下缩短的是每个人的生命。Sitting around in waiting rooms until one can stand in linebefore a bureaucrat's desk seems to any American a dead loss, and living in asocial order thus shortens every person's life.

正确、合理的课程政策必能促进大学课程的正向发展,达到课改的社会目标。True and reasonable policy of university courses will be able to promote the positive development of university curricula, and help to achieve the asocial objectives of curriculum reform.

成立于2008年的GovLoop其实只是由一个普通的联邦职员在闲暇时间里利用Ning平台搭建的,现在他们成员里已经有了超过三万个政府雇员。Asocial network for government begun in 2008 by a single federal employee in his spare time on the social platform Ning, GovLoop now has more than 30, 000 members at all members of government.