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上下颠倒了。It's upside down.

离婚的光明面?An Upside To Divorce?

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把缸扣过来。Turn the vat upside down.

我把广口瓶倒置。I turn the jar upside down.

那张图画上下颠倒。The picture is upside down.

看!我在倒挂!呵呵!Look! I'm upside down! Hehe!

那幅画上下颠倒了。That picture is upside down.

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这幅画上下颠倒了。This picture is upside down.

为什么不把它上下颠倒呢?Why not turn it upside down?

从树上倒吊着。Hang upside down from a tree.

这上头,半轮火红的太阳!Upside is half fired red sun!

你把地图拿倒了。You turn the map upside down.

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别把杯子放倒反了。Don't put the cup upside down!

她把这杯子倒放著。She turned the cup upside down.

他使每件事翻搅得乱七八糟。He turns everything upside down.

她把那幅画挂得上下颠倒了。She hang the picture upside down.

然后,我把广口瓶倒过来。Then, I turn the jar upside down.

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一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?!What an upside down planet, huh?!

10个颠覆愁眉的方法Ways to Turn That Frown Upside Down

然而,莱恩斯先生此后的生活却发生了翻天覆地的变化。But Mr Rines’s life was upside down.