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我们柏龄校园有一个壮观的海滨位置容易到达的一个充满活力的城市。Our parkland campus has a spectacular seafront location within easy reach of a vibrant city.

斯旺西大学是一套轧钢柏龄俯瞰雄伟壮观横扫斯旺西海湾。Swansea University is set in rolling parkland overlooking the majestic sweep of Swansea Bay.

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考虑到在公园用地上放牧是非法的行为,这些愤愤不平的牧民得不到法律的支持。Given that parkland grazing is illegal, the aggrieved pastoralists are left with no legal recourse.

这座城市将在三月出台平衡健身痴迷者和历史文物遗迹保护二者矛盾的措施。The city will decide in March how to balance the fitness obsession with preserving historic parkland.

荒地覆盖面积总共一万五千平方公里,大约十分之一是国家公园。All together, the Badlands cover more than fifteen thousand square kilometers. About ten percent is national parkland.

在1974年,全市拆除整个高速公路运行一道威拉米特银行和空间转换成公园。In 1974, the city removed an entire freeway running alongside the Willamette's banks and converted the space into parkland.

在俯瞰惊人的高尔半岛,大学的地理位置优势斯旺西湾公园,设置很迷人。Set in parkland overlooking Swansea Bay on the edge of the breathtaking Gower Peninsula, the University's location is captivating.

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他没有听他的身体和小身材马乔晕倒在围绕凡尔赛宫公园内的男子时运行。He didn't listen to his body and the pint-sized macho man fainted while out on a run in the parkland surrounding the Palace of Versailles.

而在纽约的五大行政区中,布鲁克林的人均绿化面积排在倒数第二,倒是第一是曼哈顿,园林部门的官员这样说到。Of the five boroughs, Brooklyn has the second least amount of parkland per person, after Manhattan, officials from the parks department say.

它们可以在沙丘和松林里随意溜达,它们先前出没的地方就是现在的公共稀树草原和自然保留地。They were raised for their meat and allowed to roam free amid the dunes and piney forests that today are public parkland and nature preserve.

笔者推论说学校也和自然公园一样有利于整个社区,因为大部分土地会用于运动场地。The author reasons that this would also benefit the entire community as a natural parkland since much of the land would be devoted to athletic fields.

这个公园有着大批山杨树的公园场地、草地、沼泽和小湖泊、落叶和寒带森林,骑马登山是一个顶级的观赏野生动物的活动。Rich with aspen parkland and grasslands, marshes and small lakes, and spanning deciduous and boreal forests, Riding Mounting is a top wildlife-viewing locale.

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那是一个周五的早上,我们身处布鲁克林闹市区卡德曼广场尽头附近的一座联邦法院大楼里——一片没什么特点的办公楼群和绿地。We were deep in a federal courthouse near the end of Cadman Plaza in Downtown Brooklyn — a stretch of faceless office blocks and parkland — early on a Friday.

场地是位于伦敦西部的一个宁静的公园用地。那片区域因其经典的球场而得名,其中包括森宁代尔、沃尔顿荒地、野猪树林等等。The site is tranquil parkland in west London, an area well known for its classic courses, including Sunningdale, Walton Heath, Waking, Swinley Forest, and more.

人行道和公园绿地如今已经沿运河一段段排列,一些一流的房地产商把目光投向这里,中国最贵的公寓小区在这里涌现。Walkways and parkland now line sections of the canal, and some of China's most expensive apartment buildings have sprung up in what has become prime real estate.

这座海边的桑拿浴室名为Löyly,位于赫尔辛基前工业区的豌豆岛上,目前正在开发的工程包括住宅和公园。Named Löyly, the coastal sauna is located in Hernesaari, a former industrial area of Helsinki that is currently being redeveloped to include housing and parkland.

何不更新换代让你的绿色社区赶上迭升的保密级别,在公共绿地上稳健地建起盘根错节的住房与服务网络。Why not stack your green community into levels of increased privacy and achieve a meandering network of housing and services, tightly nestled in a green parkland?

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红鹿市坐落在艾伯塔省中部草原,位于省会城市埃德蒙顿和1988年冬奥会举办城市卡尔加里之间。Nestled in the parkland of central Alberta, Red Deer is situated midway between Edmonton, the province's capital and Calgary, the site of the 1988 Winter Olympics.

而后者也经常点缀在美丽的田园中,在郁郁葱葱的绿色国建园林中或者绵延在广阔的海岸线上。The latter is also found in charming villages throughout the island, often surrounded by lush green national parkland or alongside wide sandy beaches fringing its coastline.

平均一千居民有4.6平米的绿地面积,公共用地统计报告中显示,在十三座人口密集的大都市共同参与的调查中,每一千人的平均绿化面积是6.8平米。It offers 4.6 acres of parkland per 1, 000 residents, compared with a median of 6.8 acres in the nation’s 13 most densely populated areas, according to the Trust for Public Land.