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后两庙皆失修倾塌,1981年重新修建。After the two temples are in disrepair Qingta, re-built in 1981.

该协会称,水坝基本处于严重失修状态。The group found that dams are, on average, in terrible disrepair.

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他拥有的电视游乐器一度超过30台,各自处于不同的破损状态。At one time he owned more than 30, in various states of disrepair.

我借给汤姆的自行车是好的,但是他却还给我一辆破损待修的车子。The bicycle I lent tom had been good condition, but he returned it in disrepair.

这座高塔的石建部分已经开始瓦解,而那座大钟早已长久失修了。The stonework of the tower was crumbling, and the great clock had fallen into disrepair.

他常以低于市场价的租金将房屋出租或是将房屋閒置不管。He often rented them for well below market value and they were allowed to fall into disrepair.

虽然重要,但是它们似乎很快就过时了,失修或停用,并且报废了。While important, they seem to become stale quickly, fall into disrepair or disuse, and are discarded.

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纵观历史,长城已经经历了几十年,甚至几百年的毁坏和失修。Throughout its history, the Great Wall has gone through decades, even centuries, of ruin and disrepair.

当桌椅、书柜、文件柜等长久失修时,可能导致伤害或不适。Desks, chairs, credenzas, file cabinets, etc. when in a state of disrepair can cause injury or discomfort.

飞机场拥挤不堪、又脏又乱,地方太小,与它试图接纳的客流量不成比例,而且年久失修。Its airport is cramped and dirty, too small for the volume it tries to handle and in a state of disrepair.

意志薄弱的人也许会沉迷于网络游戏和网络娱乐,从而荒废自己的职业生涯。The weak-willed persons maybe indulge network-game and amusement in Internet thereby disrepair own career.

意志薄弱的人也许沉溺于网络游戏和互联网的各种娱乐,从而荒废了自己的事业。The weak-willed persons maybe indulge network-game and amusement in Internet thereby disrepair own career.

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在美国基础设施陈旧不堪的同时把数万亿美元花到国外。And spent trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.

地上成堆的脏衣服,陶瓷雕像,墙上各种年久失修的挂钟,占了客厅大部分的空间。Piles of clothes, ceramic statues and all kinds of wall clocks in disrepair take up most of the living room.

战后,由于事故不断,无法盈利,这条充满新艺术派风格的线路最终变得破败不堪。After war, accidents, and an unprofitable line, the striking art-nouveau station eventually fell into disrepair.

你是否留意过城市和乡镇是怎样建设新公园的,但只是几年之后,它们便因为失修变得破烂了?Have you ever noticed how cities or towns build new parks, but after only a few years, they fall into disrepair?

但是在1998年时,这个公园因背负超过17亿日元的债务而破产,景点因此失修,游客数量也逐渐减少。But by 1998, the park had gone bust, crippled by over 1.7 billion yen in debt. The attractions fell into disrepair.

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到19世纪,由于疏于维护,大洪涝和污染严重,大运河的命运陷入塌毁的境地。By the 19th century, the canal fell into disrepair thanks to neglected maintenance, a major flood, and heavy pollution.

在洛杉矶,通往飞机场的高速路上,也会遇上年久失修的路段。In traveling the highways around Los Angeles to get to the airport, you are struck by the state of disrepair there, too.

老房的卫生间和厨房防水层已经年久失修,防渗漏效果大大下降。Lao Fang of the kitchen and bathroom water-proof layer have fallen into disrepair , anti-leakage effect has been falling.