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头部被长而光滑的顶髻所覆盖。The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair.

口吻部的毛发的颜色比头髻的颜色深。The hair on the muzzle is a little darker shade than the topknot.

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腿和足爪的颜色应该比头髻和耳朵的颜色深。The hair on the legs and feet should be a darker shade than the topknot.

他的头发与头饰连成一体,还有耳环,手镯和臂环。His hair is tied in a topknot and He has earrings , bracelets and armlets.

头饰应该是银色或比其他棕色地方亮的杏黄色。The topknot should be silver or fawn which is lighter than the tan points.

根据习俗,威奎人在他们脑袋的一侧戴上一条辫状头饰。By tradition, a Weequay wears a braided topknot on one side of his or her head.

在所有形态的修剪中,头部的毛发可以留成自然状或用橡皮筋扎起来。In all clips the hair of the topknot may be left free or held in place by elastic bands.

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其特点是长有巨大的、绸缎般的头髻,但于狗的整个身体比例还是很协调的。The distinctive head with silken topknot is large but in proportion to the size of the dog.

后枕骨非常突出,头顶的“头发”是丝状的、长长的毛发。The occipital bone is very prominent. The head is surmounted by a topknot of long silky hair.

埃文·皮尔属于一个矮小的人形种族,有粉色的皮肤、下垂的大耳朵、顶髻和一张伤痕累累的脸。Even Piell was a small humanoid with pink skin, large drooping ears, a topknot and a scarred face.

有长而柔和弯曲的身体,腿短,头大呈半球形状,头顶毛发柔软光亮并呈冠状。It has a long, softly curved Body, short legs, and a large, domed head crowned by a silky topknot.

西安一个男孩剃头后保留了顶发,是因为他的父母相信,这会哄骗恶魔把他误认为女孩而不值得伤害。Shaved head of a boy in Sian retains the topknot that his parents believe will trick evil spirits into mistaking him for a girl, unworthy of being harmed.