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老王似乎很吃惊。Lao Wang seemed taken aback.

他的突然出现使他们大为吃惊。They were taken aback by his unexpected appearance.

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不要被我所说的吓着了。对不起了。Don't be taken aback by my comments. I'm sorry for that.

好的,李先生一回来,我就让他给你回电话。OK, I'll ask Mr Lee to buzz you as soon as he gets aback.

他们在吹这种风的情况下,换成逆帆来保持既定航线。They laid the sails aback to stay on course in that wind.

他听到李李已经被逮捕的事情大吃一惊。He was taken aback at the news that Li Li had been copped out.

我万万没想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。I was taken aback and didn’t think Zhang would stab me in the back.

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他们使帆成为逆风向以便在暴风中保持既定航道。They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.

威廉姆斯说,他被这个请求吓到了,并且有些犹疑。Mr. Williams said that he was taken aback by the request and demurred.

金姆突然对梅勒妮惹火了,她的凶猛甚至使梅勒妮吃了一惊。Kim turns on Melanie with such sudden ferocity that Melanie is taken aback.

他吃了一惊,随后意识到蛐蛐儿的鸣叫声已经响起。他不知道它们已经鸣唱了多长时间。Alan was taken aback but then he became aware that the crickets had started.

我听出他说的是我们一个领事的姓名,我莫名其妙地接着说Recognizing the name of one of our consuls, I replied, somewhat taken aback.

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北朝鲜人由于中国的此行为而豪情万丈。The North Koreans were taken aback by the strength of that response from China.

“我吃惊了一小下,但我们随后交谈了很多看法,”哈伯德先生说道。“I was taken aback by it, but we sort of talked through it, ” Mr. Hubbard said.

但是就连他也可能会对彼得·费尔罗调制的配方大吃一惊。But even he might have been taken aback by the recipe concocted by Peter Ferlow.

乔纳森说,吃了一惊,但又感到骄傲,因为长者已经注意到他。I enjoy speed, ” Jonathan said, taken aback but proud that the Elder had noticed.

当人们看到麝香鹿的图片时,必定会在刹那间吓一大跳。When shown a picture of a musk deer, people are sure to be taken aback for a moment.

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但是当我们来到宿舍时,他的房间凌乱不堪,我非常吃惊。When we arrived at the dorm, however, I was taken aback by the disarray of his room.

“什么贼,”他困惑的说,惊讶于客厅的混乱状态。"What thief, " he asked, puzzled, taken aback by the chaotic state of the living room.

我的朋友吓呆了,他吃了一半的面包掉到地上。Taken aback by the scence, he dropped a piece of bread of bread he was eating half-way.