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不可思议的吸引力Incredibly powerful.

这莲座居然可以飞行。This incredibly can fly.

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结果是难以置信的成功。It was incredibly successful.

那些花儿啊,长得老高。That grow so incredibly high.

首先,难以置信其中的性别歧视。First, it's incredibly sexist.

她举止极为轻浮。She was incredibly flirtatious.

这极其重要。And that's incredibly important.

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那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。Prices there are incredibly high.

这事实被夸大得令人难以置信。The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

我曾经非常内向。I used to be incredibly introverted.

所以它是一个极小的变化量。So it's an incredibly small variation.

至于实验,那是再简单不过了。The experiments are incredibly simple.

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看起来很薄,但内容却非常丰富。It looks thin but it's incredibly rich.

他是个极有聪明才智的音乐家。He is an incredibly intelligent musician.

薛立是位不可思议,活灵活现的演讲者Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer.

那他还真是聪明绝顶啊。This shows he was incredibly intelligent.

我们无比节俭。"We were incredibly thrifty, " says Cran.

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我们都是聪明绝顶的人物。We are both incredibly intelligent people.

虽然他们富可敌国,even though they're incredibly wealthy and

薛立是位不可思议,活灵活现的演讲者“"Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer."