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李导游对此倒是一副外交辞令。Li was diplomatic.

他享有外交特权。He enjoys diplomatic privileges.

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我们佩服她的外交手腕。We admire her for her diplomatic tact.

他在外交部门会大有前途。He will go far in the diplomatic service.

我们应加强我们的外交手腕。We should muscle our diplomatic approach.

在片场,我也只是个经验不足的新手。I'm not just being diplomatic here either.

他的被捕引起了一场外交风波。His arrest has sparked a diplomatic rumpus.

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这将在外交上犯失礼的错误。This would be against diplomatic etiquette.

一套礼服适合外事招待会。A formal gown befits the diplomatic reception.

他的外交工作资历很深。He has long credentials of diplomatic service.

中国和巴基斯坦系外交关系密切的同盟国。China and Pakistan are close diplomatic allies.

这件事在外交界引起了不小的震动。It created no small stir in the diplomatic world.

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圣露西亚成为台湾第二十五个邦交国。Saint Lucia became Taiwan's 25th diplomatic ally.

他在外交界的地位很高。He attained a high grade in the diplomatic service.

外交邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.

然而,这样一场空洞的外交过程究竟对谁有益呢?But who does such an empty diplomatic process serve?

国家利益是外交政策制定的基石和归宿。National intersts is the basis of diplomatic policy.

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我们这次奉使出国的目的是文化交流。The goal of our diplomatic visit is cultural exchange.

为了避免被捕,他声称享有外交豁免权。He claimed diplomatic immunity to avoid being arrested.

要解决这一争端需有高明的手腕。Settling the dispute needed a diplomatic master-stroke.