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嗨!我的名字叫做罗杰。Hi, my name is Rodger.

罗杰我们的暴躁引导者!Rodger our grumpy guide!

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罗杰是他母亲的宝贝儿。Rodger is fathoms deep in love with his wife.

我的朋友罗杰,将参加明天的800米赛长跑。My friend Rodger will join in the 800 metre race tomorrow.

当罗杰的脚终于触碰到水底时,他已气喘嘘嘘了。When Rodger finally felt his feet touch bottom, he was gasping.

当罗杰踏进家门,他惊奇地发现屋子里一地是水。When Rodger came into the house, he was very surprise to see water all over the house.

罗杰·布郎利站稳后,转过身来,看见斯基普·沃马克就在他面前几英尺处。As Rodger Brownlee got his footing, he turned to see Skip Womack only a few feet behind.

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罗杰接过了婴儿,用右手把她脸朝上地抱着,蹬离了汽车。Taking hold of the child, Rodger held the infant face up under his right arm and kicked away from the car.

四年来罗杰饱受生活的各种挫折。接着,突然一切都好了起来。For four years Rodger had experienced every setback in life, and then things suddenly were coming up roses.

罗杰•布郎利正驾驶着自己的旧卡车去办公室。他看见了一大群人以及水里的汽车。Driving his old truck toward his office, Rodger Brownlee saw a large crowd of people, and a station wagon in the water.

新西兰贸易品德规范中间主任罗杰·斯皮勒说,恒自然如那边理这场污染事务有不少成心思的处所。NZ Centre for Business Ethics director Rodger Spiller said there was alot of interest in how Fonterra would deal with the contamination issue.

新西兰商业德行典型中间主任罗杰·斯皮勒说,恒自然如何料理这场净化变乱有不少有乐趣的处所。NZ Centre for Business Ethics director Rodger Spiller said there was lots of interest in how Fonterra would dewouls with the contwoulminine issue.

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罗杰•布郎利站稳后,转身看见斯基普•沃马克仅就在他身后几英尺处。罗杰和另外三人一起拉他上了岸。As Rodger Brownlee got his footing, he turned to see Skip Womack only a few feet behind. With the aid of three others, Rodger assisted him up the bank.

他刚看到报导时,觉得很不错,人们可以就此得知圣卢克和主显教会对社区是多么重要。Luke and the Epiphany about how important we are in the neighborhood, '" says Rodger Broadley, who has served as pastor at St. Luke for almost three decades."

战略情报副总裁罗杰贝克讨论了中国的第一艘航空母舰即将发动的军事和政治影响。Vice President of Strategic Intelligence Rodger Baker discusses the military and political implications of the imminent launching of China's first aircraft carrier.