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有关适航性的警告性备忘录。An advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.

将…记入议事录,将…记入备忘录。To record in a memorandum or the minutes of a meeting.

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章程的内容必须和简章一致。The content of the articles must be consistent with the memorandum.

在针对克罗的备忘录里,桑德森是这么写的What Sanderson wrote in his own notations to Crowe’s memorandum was that

“也许这里住过小恐龙。有种恐龙不怕天冷。”说话的是一个小男孩。A little boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand.

我们会安排将谅解备忘录送到你们的饭店,请你们签字的。We’ll have a Memorandum of Understanding sent to your hotel for you to sign.

最近期的组织章程大纲及章程细则的核证副本。A certified copy of Memorandum and Arti cles of Association to be up to date.

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偷偷翻开备忘录,她把那三条备忘录都删了。Opening the memorandum stealthily, she had deleted all those three memorandums.

一份欧盟内部的备忘录显示这种暴力外交很有用。An internal EU memorandum sheds light on the way such strong-arm diplomacy works.

谅解备忘录就是建立这种互信的一个重要里程碑。The Memorandum of Understanding is an important milestone in building such trust.

日本在2009年同新加坡签署它在东南亚的第一份防务备忘录。Japan signed its first defense memorandum in Southeast Asia with Singapore in 2009.

一个关于即将来临的谈判的备忘录,将被发给管理人员。Managerial personnel will be given memorandum concerning the up-coming negotiations.

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上个月,神华和壳牌签订了合作谅解备忘录。Shenhua and Shell last month signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a coal-to-liquids project.

根据公司简章一公司被允许有的资本额。Amount of capital which a company is allowed to have, according to its memorandum of association.

我草拟了北京会议的一份备忘录,希望在世界医学法学协会的网站上公布。I have drafted a memorandum of our meeting in Beijing, and hope to publish it on the WAML website.

工商业污水采样与分析的步骤及方法技术备忘录。Title Technical Memorandum on Procedures and Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Trade Effluents.

根据记录,他装有心脏起搏器,而且曾与止疼药瘾搏斗。He also has a pacemaker, and once battled an addiction to painkillers, according to the memorandum.

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因为总统备忘录仍未放行,所以他们以匿名的形式发表意见。They spoke on condition of anonymity because the presidential memorandum had not yet been released.

这是今天下午之前发给所有职工的内部文件。准备好了吗?This should go out as an intra-office memorandum to all employees by this afternoon. Are you ready?

两名陆军准将则收到所谓“关切备忘录”,也是较低程度的惩罚。Two army brigadiers-general receive so-called "the kind memorandum", is also the low degree penalty.