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一把尺子,好的A ruler? Okay.

尺子在哪里?Where is the ruler ?

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用格尺画条线。Draw a line with ruler.

我的尺也是黄色的。My ruler is yelow, too.

马莉莉的尺子是长的。Ma Lili's ruler is long.

我喜欢我的三角尺。I like my triangle ruler.

我有一把大尺子。I have here a large ruler.

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那是什么?那是一个直尺。What's that? It's a ruler.

所以,总统是最高的统治者。So it's the ultimate ruler.

我看到的一切,都要受我的统治!I'd be ruler of all that I see!

在我上学的那会儿,我们也有尺子大战呢。In my day, we had ruler fights.

这个是她的直尺吗?—是的,它是。Is this her ruler? —Yes, it is.

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尺和度是息息相关的。And the ruler is closely linked.

由于他是绝对统治者Because he is an absolute ruler.

他用尺在纸上画上平行线。He ruled the paper with a ruler.

海恩曾是这个世界的统治者。Hyne was the ruler of the world.

我的尺子是橘色的,它很长。My ruler is orange and very long.

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把直尺放进铅笔盒。Put the ruler in the pencil case.

他用尺子重敲桌子。He thwacked the desk with a ruler.

掌管万有王,永作我异象。Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.