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房东太太对我很好。The landlady is very kind to me.

这是怀特太太,我的女房东。This is Mrs. White, my landlady.

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我的女房东是个很好的煮菜机。My landlady is a very good cooker.

旅馆的老板娘走进来。The landlady of the hotel entered.

他欠房东太太两个月的房租。He owned the landlady two months' rent.

他喜欢女房东无微不至地照顾他。He likes being mothered by his landlady.

女房东从钥匙孔儿往屋里看。The landlady looked through the keyhole.

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你是如何从你女房东那里得到贷款的?How did you get a loan with your landlady?

他上大学时租住在一位女房东家里。When he was at college,he lodged with a landlady.

女房东总是穿着带精致花边的裙子。The landlady always wore a dress with delicate lace.

女房东对他的熬夜表示不满。The landlady complains of his staying up late at night.

女房东赶走了一名不交房租的房客。The landlady turned out a tenant for not paying the rent.

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逢星期天,女房东除早饭外还供应他正餐。On Sundays, his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.

当晚女房东和男房东将乘飞机回来。The landlady and the landlord would return by plane that night.

女房东发现他们一直在违法转租公寓。The landlady found they had been illegally subletting the flat.

“他已经在屋里呆了一整天,”女房东在楼下说。"He's been in his room all day, " the landlady said downstairs.

好心肠的女主人听到一声大叫,马上赶过去。On hearing a loud cry the kindhearted landlady quickly walked in.

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我搬家是因为我再也受不了那个好管闲事的女房东了。I moved becasue I can't put up with that officious landlady any longer.

我搬家是因为我再也受不了那个好管闲事的女房东了。I moved because I can't put up with that officious landlady any longer.

客气的人,对每个客人都笑脸相迎。The landlady is a nice person who greets all her customers with a smile.